Saturday, August 19, 2023

Light blogging

Quicksilver is under-the-weather. Leaking from both ends. No temp. Good spirit. Playing with her right ear but that may be unrelated to her issues.

The loose-stools started two days ago. Loose through the day but firm for the first one in the morning. She had been playing in the kiddy-pool so I assumed that she had ingested some of the local micro-flora/fauna and would sort herself out.

We are keeping her hydrated.

Looks like a good weekend to binge-watch Veggie Tales and Animal Planet on Netflix.

Quicksilver's parents are sorting out if she is covered by insurance in case things take a turn for the worse. At this point, there is not enough evidence to take her to Urgent Care but that may change with a bit of time.


  1. Hand/Foot/Mouth virus is making the rounds among linoleum lizards around here.

  2. Prayers up ERJ. I remember all that too well.

  3. Praying for y'all. Been there Done that.

  4. My middle one started college this week, and she still has fond memories of the Wild Kratz.. made learning about animals fun, she said.

  5. Has that when my daughter was a toddler. Our pedestrian was on vacation and the fill in looked like a central casting pediatrian. For two weeks he just kept saying " just another two or three days", and"well just keep her hydrated with Pedialyte."
    After one week she had chemical burns from the acid. After the second week of getting the same, I took action. I gave the kid a quarter of the child dose of kaopectate. That didn't work so a gave one half the pediatric dose and Shazam.

    Just saying bull*** is bull***. Sometimes you gotta take action yourself.

    Good luck.

  6. Gotta watch small ones closely. Most of what ails them is self limiting and they get better on their own. But a mildly sick kid can go from feelin poorly to deathly ill in a very short amount of time. So keep an eye on them.

    1. Thank-you, sir.

      The plan is to take her in on Tuesday if it has not gotten worse but has not resolved.

      Southern Belle's work becomes less flexible on Wednesday and there are enough irregularities involved that adding non-parents taking the little sprite into medical care is not advisable.

      The irregularities involve medical insurance cards for Florida insurance that may or many-not be accepted in Michigan.

      Mrs ERJ figures that we can take Quicksilver in AFTER Southern Belle runs the obstacle course and everything is on-file at the local facility.


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