Friday, August 25, 2023

Back on-line

We had some wind blow through at 9:45 PM yesterday. We lost power. It was restored at noon today. 

A Black Walnut that snapped in our 1/4 acre Black Walnut wood-lot

12' tall corn does not like wind

Posts in the vineyard snapped at the base

Multiple apple trees down. About half snapped at the graft and I might be able to save the other half

Another downed apple tree

This one is a goner. It snapped.

A pear branch leaning against a grape trellis

Close-up of where the pear branch broke. This delamination suggests that it broke in torsion
These trees will get benign neglect. I will do more damage trying to sort them out. I will address the survivors after the apple picking season.


  1. Good grief! Glad everyone is ok.
    I picked the area of EastTN we moved to in part b/c of very few natural disasters. 2 tornados this year. SMH.

  2. Looked like a big storm blew across the lake last night.
    Missed me on this side....

  3. Just what ERJ needed...more work.
    How high were the gusts in this wind storm?

    1. The news media said 90mph in places. I don't know what we saw.

      Most of the wind was out of the north which is unusual. Peak gust recorded a few miles west of me was 71 mph with a peak, sustained wind of 49 mph.

  4. Sorry to see that damage. It will take years to restore them. I hope that doesn't happen here as I don't figure I will be around long enough to see results. ---ken


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