Remus, proprietor of the now discontinued Woodpile Report presented me with a guest post to share with my readers.
Trading Doomsday
By ol' Remus
9-11, Boston and other mass murders say government can't defend us.
By declining to
inconvenience the criminal mobs which assaulted Ferguson and Baltimore, government
showed they won't defend us. The attacks
on military installations show government won't defend itself. The authorities have revealed themselves for what they are,
gutless and spineless, promising what they can't, or won't, deliver and bullying
the blameless for their failure. This is full-on "banana republic". The
people have taken notice. Lesson learned. We'll rely on ourselves.
It's no mere coincidence gun sales routinely set new records,
nearly doubling between 2010 - 2013 alone. Ammunition is in chronically short
supply. Women, formerly reliable supporters of confiscatory gun laws, are
arming themselves at a rate half again that of men, in fact, it's not unusual
to see women at shooting ranges as
instructors. Courses in self defense are increasingly popular, outright combat
training isn't far behind, private ammo stockpiles are proliferating, reloading
is becoming common and neighborhood alliances are forming. Survivalism is now
mainstream. We're preparing for the worst.
As tensions increase any convenient division will serve as a fault line. This is an image of ISIS violence |
We pretty much know what the worst is too. Put in antiseptic
terms it's economic and civil collapse, but it's really the murderous "can't
happen here" bloody maelstroms we saw in Europe during much of the 1940s, again
in the genocidal Yugoslav wars of the 1990s and currently in Syria and Ukraine.
Some of us have seen the worst first hand, others in "viewer discretion is
advised" video, in hi-def, at ground level where people actually live. Our
'worst' would be much the same, except without the subtitles.
So, what are all those guns and sweaty training exercises
good for? Certainly not for taking on an armored division, say the hecklers,
with a sneer. No indeed, nor for taking on any outfit with artillery or air
support. They're good for what they've always been good for, taking out a bad
guy with a gun. In case it needs saying, a good guy armed only with a
first-rate argument for Jeffersonian self-rule will lose to a bad guy with a
gun. That's what it comes down to. It always does. And there will be plenty of
bad guys with guns.
The police will not respond to 911 calls because they have bigger issues to deal with. Image of drug gang (cartel) violence. |
Those who lived to tell about it say gangs are the main
threat in a societal collapse, ethnic gangs being the worst. Think Crips and
Bloods and MS13. Their competition won't be you, it will be gangs of
opportunity made up of everyday criminals, perhaps some rogue military and
police, all defending their turf and battling for more. Add fanatical partisans
like ISIS. There's your basic bad guys with guns. It gets worse. Throw in
freelance psychopaths—hobbyist torturers and recreational killers, mix with a
steady influx of military grade weapons, RPGs and the like, then subtract any
form of effective order. Everywhere outside your door, assuming you have a
door, is a No Go Zone.
Arming yourself is necessary but not enough. The bad news
is, you have to go into that zone because you still have to eat. There's no
workaround. You won't buy your way out of it. Survivors of civil collapse tell
us gold and silver are useful at the beginning, and for bribes in the short
window of time when there are authorities to bribe. Afterward precious metals
are wanted in quantities you're not likely to have, by people too far away to
be relevant. It's not wanted by people who are picking at the cracks in their
floors for every last crumb. Barter sets in quickly. The unvarying long-term demand
is for high calorie food, especially canned meat. Rice and flavorings are popular
as well. MREs are good as gold. Not far behind is comfort stuff, coffee in
particular, and tobacco, cigarettes mainly, traded by ones and twos. Also near
the top of the list are candles and batteries in common sizes. Oddly, medical
supplies, guns and ammunition aren't often mentioned.
Not like this |
The prudent trader doesn't go around in cammies and tactical
gear, he becomes the "grey man", uninteresting, difficult to describe,
easy to forget. He looks like a nobody with nothing of value. He presents
himself as a guy who can get things, not as a guy who has things. He trades in
small quantities as opportunities arise. His stuff is always as promised, the brand
names middling-good. He prefers to meet at neutral locations and trades only a few
times with the same person—the risk of ambush grows with each encounter. He may
have a security partner shadowing him.
The survivalist may consider putting together a "grey
man" kit. Such a kit would include plain, durable pants and shirts, in
quiet browns or greens; a jacket, light but lined, with a rain hood and inside
pockets, nondescript, in a subdued neutral color, with no graphics. Top it off
with a plain baseball cap and a small backpack, the kind kids use for
schoolbooks, in a dull color with no logo or gimmicks. Such a kit could get you
in and out of a small town largely unnoticed, or a few blocks into a city and
back, perhaps even past an unforeseen checkpoint.
The experiences of those who have survived the horrors and desperation
of civil collapse are far more valuable than speculation by theorists and
doomer novelists. Their best advice is worth keeping in mind: "don't be
there when it happens." Going in, most were captivated by events and
thought themselves merely observers. They stayed calm. They believed what they
were told, it was just a rough spot, that the authorities would soon get things
back to normal. Each new calamity seemed as bad as it could get. Then it got
When they finally understood they were trapped in an
unstoppable freefall, events moved faster than they could adapt. Absolute
collapse overtook them. What they had—in their physical possession—was all they
were going to have. There was no way out, and even if there were, they had
nowhere safe to go. The lesson is to be prudent, be suspicious, trust your own senses,
have a prepared bugout location and get there before self-evacuation becomes as
dangerous as staying put—better a week too early than a minute too late. And stay
away from crowds.