Friday, May 3, 2024

Random observation

More evidence that the pro-Palestinian protesters are not affiliated with the universities where they are protesting.

University of Michigan fans would rather have a drunk with syphilis pee on their faces rather than sleep in a Green and White tent (MSU Spartan colors).


  1. Yeah, I don't know exactly what rock anyone has been living under, but don't for even half of one second imagine these protests are organic and spontaneous demonstrations by people genuinely wanting peace.
    George. Soros.
    Welcome to your summer election year riot season!

  2. Those tents are becoming a thing. Crossing the Mexico-US border in Progresso TX recently, I noticed most of the refugees attempting to become US residents staying on the Mexican side of the bridge walkway have very similar tents to those pictured. A lot of people are buying from the same stores OR they are being supplied by wealthy donors to use them. Not a coincidence - possibly the same groups are involved.

  3. Same thing happening here. Some of the University officials have also said that many of the protesters are not students at the school. Hmmm…
    Southern NH

  4. Occasionally I wish we had a law similar to the 'Public Order Offense' in England whereby the police can arrest and detain you for nearly anything they don't like. Then again, it would be anathema to our sensibilities.

  5. The hardcore "protesters" are hired thugs paid for by Soros/Schwab etc. and controlled by the DNC. These
    professional miscreants are the core of all the major protests
    with a cadre of gullible brain donors from the student body acting as cannon fodder. Identify, arrest and incarcerate ( or hang) these paid professional troublemakers and these protests would end almost overnight.


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