Friday, May 3, 2024

Fake News Friday: Climate "Scientists" discover Gravity Waves


Climate "Scientists" discover alarming gravity waves as the sea-level rises by different amounts in different sea-coast cities!!!

Lead Scientist, Ima Dumkopf informed the press that shifts in the molten iron core caused by rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are undoubtedly the cause for the variation in sea-level changes.

Dumkopf projects that Mexico City will be underwater in less than 200 years.


  1. They're trying to say that some areas are more affected (by sinking land, peak tides and storm surge) than others, but the writers (I refuse to call them journalists) got confused by the "relative sea level rise" phrasing used by NOAA scientists.

  2. The question here is are these just the typical garden variety morons who are clueless about actual science or are they lying propagandists pushing the lefts agenda. Of course it's possible for both descriptions to apply.

  3. Climate "Scientists", says enough...
    "shifts in the molten iron core caused by rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere". How fucking dumb do they think we are??? Can we have that flood already??? Way overdue...

  4. Yet the Florida Keys are still above water!


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