Saturday, May 4, 2024

I was productive today

Today was a very satisfying and productive day.

I was outside by 8:00 and grafted some plum suckers to AU-Rosa.

I moved my tomato and pepper seedlings outside. The weather-guessers threw the chicken-guts and determined that it would alternate between hazy and overcast. For once, they were right.

I sprayed weeds in the orchard and yard.

I had an errand to run in town that took a half hour.

By 10:30 it was almost dry enough to mow. I set the alarm on my phone for an hour from when I started. When the alarm went off I finished whatever chore I was doing. I went inside and drank some ice-tea. Read my emails...Lather, rinse, repeat.

For the record, I am using a push-mower. No need to go to the gym on days when I mow.

I had another errand at 4:00 so I knocked off a little bit early and took a shower and put on fresh clothes. Part of the errand involved grocery shopping. I was back by 5:30 and I AM DONE FOR TODAY. 

The first few mowings of the year are a chore. There are always things that need to be picked up and the grass is growing like greased lightning. I still haven't made it completely around the house. The grass on the north side doesn't grow very fast which I am thankful for.

In bloom:

  • Turnips
  • Rutabagas
  • Quince
  • Horseradish
  • Ground Ivy
  • Celandine
  • Yellow Rocket (aka wild Mustard)
  • Lilacs
  • Redbud
  • Dogwood
  • Tulips are almost done
  • Some of the oak trees are festooned with catkins
291 Growing Degree Days, base 50F.


  1. You deserve a beer, or 6....

  2. Slow down, man. You're making me look bad over here.

    1. I never said I worked fast. I am slow, fat, old, stupid and not very good looking. The only think I have going for me are Mrs ERJ and a healthy dose of show-up and don't-quit.

  3. Definitely sounds like progress was made. You earned a day off tomorrow. your injured limbs sound like they are healed.

    1. Thanks.

      The broken leg isn't perfect but it is serviceable.

      Badly broken bones heal with a knob of callous. That is a friction point for muscles as they contract and attempt to slide over it. "Big" days of work cause muscle pain but that is just the cost of doing business.

      Thanks for your concern!

  4. Kudos to you, that’s a ton of work for one day. It seems now-a-days I’m late to get started, and lose my steam by 3 pm. Not very productive. I also have to work around my husband’s energy schedule, which is nonexistent in the morning.
    Southern NH


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