Tuesday, May 21, 2024


I didn't look at the calendar. The plan was to plant the corn in flights 8 days apart.

15 + 8 = 23, not 21. In my defense, I planted it in the EVENING so it was ALMOST  5/22.


The 2024 corn patch looking west-southwest. The bike is used to press the seeds firmly into the soil in the bottom of the furrow. Total area of the corn patch is roughly 2000 square-feet.


Bodacious sweetcorn popping up

The sweetcorn patch, first two flights

The "Official" potato patch

The "Volunteer" potatoes. I just didn't have the heart to till them under.

Tomatoes planted to the left stretched along the right side of the frame. The random stick is one I cut to use to space the plants in the row. Turnips that were allowed to go to seed in the upper-left corner. Framework in background supported tomatoes last year but will support pole beans in 2024.

Mary was raised 8". She has ageratum planted in front of her and to her left and snapdragons to her right and behind her.

The extra flowers were planted around this Bur Oak in our yard.

Deadon Cabbage seedlings

Aji Mango hot peppers in front, Tennessee 90 tobacco in the middle and Stocky Red Roaster sweet peppers in the back

Ukrainian Orange Icicle seedlings.

Okra in foreground and Stupice tomatoes in the background

Red onions. I need to get on the stick and figure out where these are going.


  1. So far the bodacious I planted is not impressing me. The silver queen is about 2’ high though.

    The lady I get raw milk from gave me some peaches and cream in exchange for some of my silver queen (seems there’s a shortage around here for some reason). Do you have any experienced with peaches and cream? I’ve never planted it.

  2. Here's something that might be useful in the Copperhead Cove story. It is about using vine and tree cuttings to filter water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSBwJNDDUfc

  3. Replies
    1. Just east of the Texas High-Plains is not an easy place to grow gardens.

      You might have a green thumb and just be cursed with a really, really tough place to grow things.

  4. What do you do to fight the worms in your corn? I have tried what I know, read and have been told. Yes mediocre gardener here.

    1. I cannot answer that because I never had issues with worms in my corn.

      I do know that some organic growers individually bag produce. That might be an option. Paper lunch bags are cheap.

      Do I have any growers who can help Mr Lapp with info?


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