Friday, June 28, 2013

Work bench

My youngest son has been in need of a work bench.

He is a doing kind of kid and did not have a space of his own.  He would do most of his serious wrenching in the driveway, on the concrete apron in front of the garage.  There were potential downsides regarding small pointy objects and vehicle tires.  Plus, several of his projects were, ah, negatively impacted when vehicles backed out of the garage before a thorough inspection of the flight path had been surveyed.

Youngest son had many objections to the new plan.  His biggest beef is that the benches (tables) were dimensioned for stand-up work.  He thought he ought to be able to sit while wrenching. 

The tables are 40.5 inches tall, 32 inches deep and 48 inches long.  For background info, I anticipate my youngest son will stop growing at about 6' 2".

It looks to me like he overcame his dislike and started nesting.


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