Friday, March 14, 2025

Still digging holes

A newly planted peach seedling

Look at those roots!

15 holes were dug. Five of them received some peach seedlings sent to my by a benefactor. Four more holes received MM106 apple root-stock.

Maybe these seedling peaches aren't the biggest ones in the world, but some kinds of fruit trees can grow unbelievably fast. I have seen up to 8' of growth on a sweet cherry tree in a single growing season. I don't know if peach can grow that fast, but they have more potential than most people give them credit for.

These will budded with a cold-hardy variety within a couple of inches of the ground. Then, if the top dies off during the winter, the bud will push. If the top does NOT die-off, then I will fruit out the seedling to see what it is like.

Again, thanks to the friend who wishes to stay anonymous!

Didn't know my own strength!

I bent the tip of my mattock. Obviously a failure in the heat-treatment of the metal. I stuck it back in the hole and bent it back.

Pit Bulls running deer

I got some more details on the pit bulls I saw running deer a few days ago.

The family they belong to were driving door-to-door looking for them. Apparently, they belong to one of my neighbors. When I talked to them, they assured me that their dogs were very friendly toward humans but admitted that the dogs are aggressive toward other animals.

As they were telling me that, I looked down the road and saw one of my neighbors, a petite woman, walking her Labradoodle down the road. I am not sure that would be very reassuring to her if the two pit bulls decided to mug her dog while she was walking it.

They have a couple of kids...maybe 1st and 3rd graders. The pit bulls whined that they wanted to be outside when the kids came home from school so the kids obliged.

It was/is still the adults' responsibility to make sure that didn't/doesn't happen. 

I do not intend this as a sign of disrespect toward Islam

But does anybody else get the impression that "...because of Climate Change..." is the academic/Progressive equivalent of "Inshallah"?

It can be used as a logical bridge when other logic is lacking. It can be used as a justification for any event that happens. It can be used by lazy people as an excuse to stop further development of an idea by way of referring to a higher-power. It is immune to counter-argument because it transcends logic.

Just like a middle-Eastern flim-flam man liberally sprinkles "Inshallah" into his conman sales-pitch, junk-science papers and academic papers randomly sprinkle the words "climate change" in their writing, perhaps as a pro forma tax to the gate-keepers of publishing.


  1. I have no particular ill will to any man, my vote does NOT count, but regarding this whole climate change/global warming thing, I'm good ...
    From the future headquarters of the Northern Michigan Tropical Fruit growers Association,
    A little East of Paris

  2. The entirety of the topic of climate change is one giant fucking scam!!!!
    The temperature readings its all based on, thousands of units across the world with decades of data readings, were admittedly massaged by the scientists collecting it. Grok that: the folks putting the source data together that it is ALL based on ADMIT they fudged the numbers!

    Since then it has grown into such a massive scam, so many peoples careers and livelihoods are dependent on it, they simply cannot accept that its all a falsehood.

  3. I read that many of the temperature readings were invalid. Many were located in areas that are now heat traps, due to urban development. Buildings and asphalt increase heat readings. I believe a few of the gauges were known to be malfunctioning, but ‘average’ data numbers were continued to be entered, as I recall.
    There may be change going on. The Earth heats and cools, there are solar flares, El Niño, volcanic eruptions. Man doesn’t cause all of the change. China and India throw a lot more pollution than we do. I’m not buying the ‘climate change’ story they’re selling.
    Although I would like milder winters up here,
    Southern NH

  4. Observation regarding dogs (especially "aggressive breeds"): Dogs often behave differently in the absence of their owners / the "alpha".

    Observation regarding owners of "aggressive breeds": They often have an intractable resistance to acknowledge even the possibility of the above observation.

    Full disclosure: Past unpleasant experiences have left me very cautious of Pit Bulls.

  5. That's a fair take on Because Climate Change. I think there's a deep rooted need in human's for a phrase to gap between what we can understand and what we can't to allow us to go about our days without being rooted by fear.

    In Robert Ruark's Something of Value (iirc) he discuss a phrase (which I'm translating as) "Stuff happens" the locals constantly say (can't remember the phrase).

    Plenty of Midwest phrases with religious connotations, but that are just used to be a verbal shrug.

    I think, often having abandoned/left faith or (more often) too ashamed to admit they have some lingering belief, they reached around for a substitute and latched on Climate Change/The Other Political Side/Big Corporations as the way to keep moving despite a huge gulf between the understood and the not understood.

    Two related thoughts:

    1. The phrases used in my childhood are particularly culturally bound, but funny to me. Bad news on the TV? "Oy vey" (oh woe, short for "woe is me"). Someone dared be publicly happy about a new toy or job or anything else? An older person would immediately exhort "Kinehore!" (No evil eye), and then spit 3 times. Something horrible on the news? Same thing. Wouldn't want the evil eye to be on you b/c you're too happy or too sad. I think this is filling the above niche, just more colorfully.

    2. I think we're ripe for another Great Awakening (either 4th or 5th depending on how you want to count them) in America. If you talk to people privately in quiet, they still believe in something greater/beyond themselves, their just not sure how to fit it into life and public religious displays are very "out" in many places, so they're too awkward/ashamed to admit they might want to say a prayer before meals.

  6. I planted two peach trees of the twig size you show. Year two they were taller than me. Year three I canned over a dozen quarts of peaches from them. Last year a late freeze killed all my fruit, except for the bird feeding mulberry and current. This year the peach trees got a pretty heavy shaping pruning. They're growing like gang busters.

  7. My wife uses phrases like “ its for the environment” or “climate change” to rationalize a lot of her actions. She gets upset that I see a lot of what she believes as empty propaganda. She’s a true believer in all the climate change mantra. You know you have to believe in it all or you dont believe any. I commented one time that I’m not convinced that co2 is a driver in global warming, “ oh, so you dont believe in climate change?” No dear, we’re sitting in michigan where there used to be glaciers a few eons ago, surrounded by the great lakes that are even younger, no nothing changes.

  8. "We'll go at night".
    A giant rotisserie turning 16 feet per minute, at 18 feet per second, with a 150,000 mile wobble of orbit.
    Of course there is climate change.
    Every Day.
    Thank God.
    Stand under a 80-100 foot doug fir & dump 50 gallons of water on it, you might not notice. Stand on the stump and do it, one will get wet. But not forever as nature adapts.
    Bought a load of river gravel & within 3-4 weeks there were cottonwood sprouts growing out of it.

  9. The UK met office is a class act at producing corrupt temperature data - recent all-time high recorded by a thermometer beside a military airfield runway as three Typhoon fighters were taking off with full afterburners!!!

  10. Will beat me to it. The Brits have gone full on stupid!

  11. A. Global warming, Global Cooling, Climate Change et al is a grifter hustle. Really, we need more taxes so we can control the weather?

    2. islam is a death cult, not a religion. No Religion demands forced conversion upon pain of death or paying a jizya tax to stay alive. Their instruction manual demands that.

  12. ERJ, I think it is used almost as a religious phrase now. I will note that it appears in multiple countries at this point so in that sense, it is a more universal faith than any current world religion.

  13. You shouldn't have to pre-apologise to islam. Because, islam is a death cult, not a religion

  14. So what if you offend someone in that death cult. They offend and kill Christians all the time.

  15. Modern tools are made from cheap materials. The stuff I have I bought is garbage compared to what my late father in law left me.

    Dogs, both feral and poorly trained are always a risk to people out and about. This I am ALWAYS armed and ready to deal with them.

    As for insulting Islam....who cares. Certainly no American should.

  16. Dogs running deer will also run cattle. Free range dogs are considered feral around here and are shot on sight.


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