Saturday, March 15, 2025

USAID Business-Model Explained

 USAID explained. Graphic. Not for children.

A joke

Michigan does not trust her citizens to get rabies vaccinations for our animals. So we are required to go to a vet and pay fees and for the vaccine so we can get a receipt that we can present to the government to buy a license so we don't get fined hundreds of dollars.

So, I was standing in line at a local "low cost vet clinic" to get the mandatory shot (for the dog) and I heard a joke.

Did you hear about that liberal "furry" from the lower-48 who went to Alaska to get his graduate degree?

He came back with a Husky girlfriend. 

Not a joke

Keep your head on a swivel.

Horrible behaviors are not just being tolerated, they are being applauded.

If you are standing on the "X", move.

If you have business in the "X", find other dentists, eye doctors and other suppliers.

Leave the children at home if you have to go anywhere near the "X". That includes "first-ring suburbs" as well as the actual "X".


  1. Sigh... I'm not surprised about the vet requirement. It seems the 'default' now for MI .gov is to NOT trust the people there.

    1. Hey, its a free country, isn't it?

  2. I was born in Michigan, I was raised in Michigan. I learned to drive in Michigan. I went to school through university in Michigan. I have relatives and friends buried in Michigan, I still have family in Michigan. I will not return to Michigan even for a visit - I'd be arrested for something or another. What the hell happened to Michigan?

  3. Replies
    1. The target. Where Wile E. Coyote paints an X on the pavement and where the anvil will land


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