Sunday, March 9, 2025

I didn't know Canadian Provinces could levy tariffs

Doug Ford, the king of Ontario, Canada announced that Ontario is going to levy a 25% tariff on the electricity sold to the United States.

If so, that will impact very-deep-Blue Minnesota and New York and blue Michigan more than it will impact other, less "Progressive" states. From an industry standpoint, the indoor cannabis plantations will be impacted more than the other industries.

What an odd way of thinking: "An enemy of my enemy is my....enemy?"

Commercial Real Estate in D.C.

I wonder how much electricity will be save when they turn out the lights on the buildings being vacated. Air-conditioning is a very-high electricity draw and Washington D.C. is almost unlivable without it, especially in large, commercial buildings.

We will be fine here at Casa ERJ. We have shade trees near the house and windows that open and close. Mrs ERJ and I are both healthy and heat-indexes up to 100F are not a big deal. We have a clothes-line and can mothball the clothes drier and I can take shorter showers when bathing.


  1. It is Morontario, easily one of the stupidest places on earth, next to Queeeeeeebek! 😂👍 Ford, Morontario and Queerbec are hated by liberals AND conservatives in the rest of Canada. I just laugh when their cheerleaders and glee clubs start pep talking Team Canada fighting the evil Americans…

    “The enemy of my enemy is my enemy” is going on on your side too. Alberta has been taking pains to comply with American border security and is in your corner on arguments about shared defence costs and readiness… and we got hit with tariffs too. Danielle Smith is hopping mad.

    The whole thing is going to devolve into a pointless bum fight if our leaders aren’t careful.

    1. I looked at some of the tariffs Canada already had in place against US goods. Some of them kind of made sense.

      The tariffs against cut-up chicken was intended to protect small poultry producers and butcher shops from the industrial efficiencies of Perdue and Tyson and Hormel.

      The tariffs against citrus baffles me. Does Canada have a citrus industry that they are trying to protect?

  2. Isn't a "tariff" something that is levied on an import, not an export ?

  3. Canada has many tariffs already in place for years against the US at various levels.

  4. I don't know about tariffs, but I know that Canadian provinces have more latitude than US states in many areas.
    In Canada, most items have both national and provincial sales tax - national items, like postage stamps, have only provincial sales tax on them.
    In the 1990's, Quebec tried twice to succeed from Canada; I'm surprised that Alberta and Saskatchewan haven't at least publicly considered it since then.

  5. Quebec is the California of Canada, only they speak French and are obnoxious about it. I see this as the first step of Trump re-setting international trade by reminding everyone of how skewed it is, to begin with. The foreign economies are betting heavily that Americans will assume that foreign trade exists without tariffs, now, not knowing that the opposite is true.

  6. Pretty sure Vermont and large swaths of New England get their electric power from HydroQuebec, since they shut down the Vermont Yankee nuke plant.
    Incentivizes the New England states to rebuild their power infrastructure. They never should have let themselves be beholden to another country. Heck, why even allow their grid be connected to ours?

  7. They will have to leave the A/C on in DC, otherwise those buildings will form mold and mildew in a heartbeat.

  8. This will not end well for Ontario. They import the majority of their natural gas and a bunch of petroleum/petrol products from the US, easy for Trump to add tariffs to that. "I'll see your tariffs on 15% of our electricity in some northern states and raise on 70% of your fuel."

  9. By county, NYS is red except for NYC, the I-90 corridor and a few odd ball spots like Ithaca, the SF of NY and Essex Co. where all the rich folks from NYC, Montreal, Boston etc have their vacay homes.


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