Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Running, Swinging and Hiding

Running notes

Still running the 70 seconds at 6.0mph with a 110 second recovery at 3.0mph. I am monitoring my heartbeats-per-minute about half-way through the recovery period.

I intentionally skipped exercising Friday and Saturday due to having donated blood. Sunday was a miss due to other commitments. Monday was the soonest I could get back on the treadmill.

It was not an exceptional run but the monitoring data says that I am not ready to change the ratio of 6.0mph-to-3.0mph.



A new swing was installed on our old swing-set. The height was adjusted to make the client happy.

Quicksilver wasn't so quick today. She is fighting off a cold.

Some trees were pruned

But the brush was not dragged.

Hiding in plain sight

Many people like to have cute and memorable names for their WIFI; names like "Michigan State Police Narcotics Stake-out Team" and "Bling Cash and Drugs"

What are the most BORING and forgettable WIFI names? "Unnamed network"? "Home appliance manager"?  Your neighbor's address? Curious minds want to know.

An oldie but a goodie

From the Archive ~ Standing on the X  From XavierThoughts, May 2010

The format this blog was stored in is a bit funky. The article that I want you to read is the second blog post from the top.

Xavier was a Palliative Care Nurse who worked in some very rough neighborhoods. As a nurse caring for cancer patients (among others) the local toughs assumed he carried narcotics and syringes, which put a huge target on his back.

Victim Selection Process also from XavierThoughts is also very, very good. He writes about the "testing process" where the perp violates the potential victim's personal space or violates a behavioral norm near their space to test their reactions.

The criminal, once he has observed a potential victim, will send out some test runs to determine if the person is indeed prey, or predator. These tests may be asking for a match, the time, or change. The initial tests all have one thing in common. They violate boundaries, and determine if the selected person will allow their space and generosity to be violated.

These blog-post is the single best thing you are likely to read this week (and I didn't write it).

I wonder whatever happened to Xavier. He was a great blogger. 

Bonus image

Picture taken March 11. I like posting pictures taken a week apart to see the amount of growth.



  1. Fif a network name, probably something random like V1305 or something equally vaguely equipment sounding.

  2. When traveling for work I would rent apartments sometimes. I always used wifi names reflecting a nearby business. Things like Joe's Furniture 1234 or ExxonMobil 1423. At home I use a name structured like the local service providers such as CenturyLink ####; but never a system I actually use.

  3. “Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick.”
    ― Hippocrates

    Walking into a COPD terminal into a smoky room reeking of tobacco is just part of the job. Stepping around nasty messes on the floors and looking for a clean spot to put your equipment bag is normal.

    Palliative care is a harsh vocation. Hard vocation not a job. The pay isn't good, hours and lack of support from your overwhelmed system is harsh.

    Then adding in sketchy working conditions.

    Burn out is very common as is crippling injuries from the situations like getting robbed.

    Burn out as is as crippling as getting seriously harmed during a robbery for your narcs.

    But nobody publishes suicide rates for nursing.

    I'd like to think Xander is sipping a beer on a warm beach.

  4. This criminal behavior is drilled into my psyche. We live in front of a public park, where people of all ages - incomes - life styles can stop and observe what goes on in the neighborhood. My dog is hypervigilant - anyone stopping along street frontage is instantly flagged with "I see you". Offers for electricity or phone service are met with skepticism on our part - just a clipboard and a smile will take a lot more game on your part. Move along bro.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7GACcF6vFfw?feature=share

    Youtube short where woman talks about how predators can pick victims solely on their walking gait.

  6. I have a Wi-Fi repeater that I randomly place in some areas that is named "FBI Surveillance Van #4". It is USb powered so I can take it lots of places.

    My neighbor is kinda freaked that it shows up sometimes and not other times.

    1. So that is who you are? Been wondering about the random nature of the appearance of the site. Thought it had something to do with my previous life as revealed by some of my previous wifi names such as Shilka, LongTrank, Dniepr, atc.

  7. I was a constant reader at XT. I even duplicated a firearm he wrote about. I liked the Yost sight immensely. I still drive a beater into town, just another poor slob. Makes sense to me we'd know the same 10-15 year old blog.

  8. My WiFi is CODA Led Zeppelin album # 9.

  9. My guest net is "Stingrayxxx"


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