Sunday, March 23, 2025

Seven days worth of contributions


This is seven days worth of food and diaper donations from the Charlotte campus of where I go to church. On a per-family basis, the contributions from the Bellevue campus usually dwarf that of the Charlotte campus.

I want to make sure that this post has the right tone. This is not intended to be "bragging". It is intended to be similar to a factual, fishing report. Sort of like "I caught a couple of channel catfish last night and the biggest one was about 18" long."

Some rough statistics:

Total Sunday attendance at the Charlotte campus is usually between 250 and 300.

The number of registered families is approximately 600.

To quote Bertha Beyersdorf of Saginaw, Michigan "If you can't do very much, then make sure that what you choose to do makes a difference."

Bertha was famous for knitting lap-robes even though her fingers were grossly warped decades of rheumatoid arthritis and it was a marvel that she could even hold knitting needles.

1 comment:

  1. It looks very generous to me, ERJ. And that is a very fine quote.


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