The remaining "Limonka Rustica" Nicotiana seeds were planted. I also planted about fifty Romain Lettuce "Green Forest".
In a few days I will plant my tomato seeds: Stupice and Ace 55. I will also plant some pepper seeds if they show up in time, Lola Hybrid.
Custom grafting apple trees
A friend approached me after Mass yesterday and asked if I would graft a family heirloom apple from the family farm. It is a summer apple with 80% yellow ground color and 20% red blush. The apple has sentimental value to my friend. He believes that it was planted by his grandfather.
It is my jaded, cynical view that "ancient" apple trees are rarely as old or as rare as the enthusiast thinks they are. I average somewhere around +90% "takes" when working with quality scion and root stock. I think I will graft three of them, each in a separate bucket. If they all take, he can share them with his sons.
I moved a tree stand today
I need new straps. Maybe the old strapping is fine....but age, UV and all that. This stand is on the Eaton Rapids property.
Guardian Angels
Quicksilver lived up to her name today.
I went down into the basement to rotate the laundry and QS wanted to come with me.
No problem.
She was slightly behind me when I heard a "Thump....thumpity-thumpity-thumpity..." and her face hove into sight followed by her body as she surfed down the steps.
I arrested her motion by sliding my foot sideways to catch her right shoulder.
I don't know how she ended up sliding down the stairs head-first, on her back.
She was shaken up but no lumps or bumps were found.
Quicksilver has incredibly thick, curly hair. For whatever reason, her mother braided her hair Sunday night and the braid cushioned her head as it encountered each step.
God sends many miracles. Most are so pedestrian and humble that we do not recognize them. Miracles like the braid.
Why does a wind-chill of 25F seem frigid in March and balmy in January?
Mrs ERJ had some appointments mid-day. Combined with the weather, I did not go to The Property and drag brush.
The wind-chill for tomorrow is predicted to be ten degrees F warmer than today.
God willing, I will be able to put in four productive hours dragging brush.
Points of contact
I am practicing getting up off of the floor. Some scientists (?) seem to think that the number of points-of-contact you require to lever yourself out of sitting cross-legged is a predictor of your biological age.
For example, you might require using both legs and both arms to lift yourself off of the carpet. Or perhaps you can get up but need one arm to steady yourself and get your legs beneath you.
The standard is two-legs. Yeah, right. Ain't happening.
Yet hope springs eternal. Lack of flexibility is a major issue.
Great save ERJ. Major points awarded to Grandpa for awareness. Many kids do seem to be magnets for 'what can go wrong WILL go wrong' moments.
ReplyDeletePoints of contact comments made me laugh. I remember in my youth rising from cross legged seat to upright non supported, but that ain't happening now with something to grab onto. At least one hand to grab - support myself as I lever up to knee and slooowly rise. Timed using a sundial ... :^)
Y'all still sit cross legged? There's no way I could do it.
ReplyDeleteGrafting Apple trees- there is a guy in North Carolina who has been traveling up and down the Appalachian mountains finding heirloom apple trees and grafting them to younger tree stock. I think he has found over a thousand different ones already.
ERJ, Flexibility is (I think, and this is not based at all on anything but observation) a key for older health and something that is not at all addressed in the modern Western world in general. A simply observation is that most people above a certain age are not flexible. It is something I need to work on more this year.
ReplyDeleteHubby was taught by a therapist to roll to stomach and try to pull one leg at a time under you. It should allow you to crawl, think baby butt it air, to maneuver you to something to hold onto if you can help yourself stand. If you cannot stand with that help then a life line company should be your first call.
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ReplyDeleteI disagree with the pedestrian nature of miracles. I reckon I am being pedantic about it, but the subject is very important to me.
ReplyDeleteThe miracles from God are abundant and exceeding.
It's kinda groovy that while we may not know the fullness of things, we know one who does such that we can trust him implicitly.