Monday, March 3, 2025


Blogging will be light for the next 6 weeks or so.

Lent lasts for 40 days various commitments Mrs ERJ and I made will absorb our Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Spring planting season keeps whispering seductive promises in my ear.

Hiccups in the flow of government grants introduced air-bubbles into the flow of food and diapers to people in need. We feel called to help as we can. For instance, we will pull our annual giving forward into the next 60 days to breach-the-gap.

Unfortunately, we are now in a highly politicized and divisive environment and some readers will expect me to slam certain politicians.

I really don't want to go there, but is it really any different than a military force launching missiles from the grounds of a hospital or school and the opposing force flattening the launch site? Who owns the blame?

It has long been common legislative practice to "bundle" projects with dubious public support (like chemical castration and genital mutilation of minors) with apple-pie and motherhood projects like feeding the hungry and providing clothing for the poor. How is that NOT the budgetary equivalent of terrorists using school-children as human shields? How can that situation be painlessly unwound when the funding is so tightly coupled?

All of that is above my pay-grade. Mrs ERJ and I will do what we can to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the afflicted and give hospitality to the weary. We try to be flexible, and one of the things that has to "flex" is the amount of time I spend on the blog.


  1. I am all for
    Good deeds
    Done dirt cheap.
    See you soon!

  2. Heinlein spoke of Duty and doing HIS Work is part and parcel of the "Whole Duty of Man" in Ecclesiastes.

    Carry on friend.

  3. Doing the same in our little neck of the woods, ERJ!

    Good on Ya!

  4. That is a great encapsulation of the issue, ERJ. Doing good is ultimately on each individual, no matter what government does.

  5. Do what you are called to do. We'll be around.


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