Thursday, March 13, 2025

Silence is golden. Duct-tape is silver. Bumper stickers are stupid.

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The image shown above was sent to me via email by a commenter.

Some models of vehicle attract customers who believe it is their MISSION to tell you who they are.

The Vegan Prius. Her other vehicle is probably a broom.

The Essential Prius. His other vehicle is probably a bicycle.

And some are gentle hints to not tailgate

Her other vehicle probably has rotary wings.

Illinois plates! Really?

Prices from a recent gun auction

Just a few prices of firearms that I thought were "interesting". These firearms are no longer for sale as the auction is closed.

Built on a Mauser 98 action. The .404 Jeffrey was one of the most popular British "African" and "Indian" dangerous game cartridges. It was considered "perfect" for lions and tigers, launching a 400 grain soft-point at 2300fps.

Another Mauser, this one chambered in .35 Whelen. The .35 Whelen can launch a 250 grain Nosler Partition at 2400fps or a 225 Barnes mono-metal at 2550fps. Either one is suitable for the very largest bears and moose on the North American Continent.

The 7mm Mauser is right in that sweet-spot also occupied by the 6.5 Creedmoor and the 7mmx08 Rem. Capable of launching a 140gr bullet at 2650fps.

W.D. Bell used a 7mm Mauser (relabeled as that .275 Rigby because no proud Scot  would use a Kraut cartridge) to kill approximately 800 bull elephants for their ivory.

He picked the round because heavy (175 grain) bullets with stout, steel jackets were readily available.

While the gun writer Jack O'connor is best known as being a proponent for the .270 Winchester, the rifle he got for Eleanor (his wife) was a 7mm Mauser.


  1. That Mauser .35-06 (aka .35 Whelan) Whelan 'shivers my timbers', what a woods walker - stalker rifle that would make. The winner should be really happy with it, especially if they are a reloader.

    I live in a college town and I see a lot of those 'billboard vehicles' driving around here.

    1. That would be an interesting firearm.

      I am a one-load per cartridge kind of guy, but if you were inclined you could have a "BB-gun" load of a cast, 158 grain semi-wadcutter with 8 grains of Unique, a mid-range of with a Hornady #35780 and 31 grains of Alliant 2400 at 1650fps (Lyman Handbook load) and a 225gr or 250gr softpoint for "thumping".

      The downside of multiple loads is that point-of-aim changes and there is always the risk that you load the "wrong" ammo when you have to shoot polar bears or other large vermin.

    2. What 357 cases hold 31 gr.'s of 2400? I know , typo.

  2. A long long time ago (when I went to Grateful Dead concerts) I was warned not to put ANY bumper stickers on my car (save the local sports team), as it is a legal pretext in most states to conduct a traffic stop and dog-inspection if you have a steal-your-face or one of the skull and roses designs popular with that particular rock-n-roll band.
    As much as I have strong feelings about issue A, B, or C, my vehicle exists in my world for my mobility, and I don't want to to anything to impinge on that. Be it share-the-road-with-vegan-cyclists or any other matter, I do not want any attention drawn to my vehicle.
    It was a meme for a spell there that one should attend democratic rallies and slap MAGA bumper stickers on Prius and other like vehicles, and watch the ensuing hijinks.
    Just don't.


  4. ERJ, one of the reminders I have kept in mind about my cars. Also, recognizable paint or damage makes one memorable too.

  5. I'm not surprised at low prices for those weapons, but I am surprised at prices that low - it could be due to the regional nature of the auction. Elsewhere, I'm seeing stuff like that trending upward to much higher prices.

    I've always avoided bumper stickers on my car for two reasons:
    1. If I screw up while driving, I don't want it to reflect badly on the causes I support.
    2. I've seen clear examples of how multiple bumper stickers can be used to locate people and figure out personal/ family information useful to criminals.
    I didn't think about police/ local government reactions to locally unpopular positions but it's also a good reason.


  6. I am always happy see the money I saved because the bolts on those rifles is on the wrong side.


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