Friday, November 15, 2024

I am still alive

I am still alive.

My dog thinks I smell WONDERFUL. The deer-hunting party had some success.

Clothing is in the washing machine. Gutting out a deer can be a messy business. And in spite of what you may have seen on Youtube, filling the lung cavity with oxygen and acetylene is a simple, surgical method of skinning AND gutting out a deer in one step.

Tomorrow is a work-day rather than a fun-day.

I wish the temperature was about 10 degrees cooler. It would give me a little bit more lee-way in the timing of my activities.

If you ain't complaining about the weather, you probably ain't a farmer.


  1. You may have saved a life by getting rid of that pest. Thank you.

    1. 25% of property damage vehicle accidents involve deer. Some kind-hearted people attempt to miss them and leave their lane, hitting trees, pedestrians or on-coming traffic.

      Inevitably, some of them are injured and even die.

    2. We have incurred over $25K in damage (and elevated comprehensive insurance premiums) over the last few years thanks to these pests. Such a waste that is better harvested and stored in the freezer!
      -RB in flyover country

  2. Harvesting is only the 1st step. Processing the meat, cutting up and packaging is where the real work begins. Congratulations on your good fortune - store purchased meat is very expensive.

  3. I used to hunt with men that could field dress a deer and have the skin off in 15 minutes, Joe. And they did a great job of it, too. I suppose it’s a skill like any other. Last time I did it, it took me about 45 minutes.

    Not that it matters.

  4. you ignite the oxy-acetylene mix?

    1. Only if you want to win a Darwin award

    2. So please explain what the Oxygen Acetylene mix do to help skin and gut a deer.

      I've used a football inflation needle and air pump to make skinning easier but never filled the lungs with an explosive gas mixture.


    3. Lol, exactly! Why not just a regular compressor or tank of air?

  5. Our rifle deer season opened on 11/9. It's been too warm to shoot one IMHO(60-70 degrees) and I don't have cooler to hang them in. The temperature should drop to the 40's by the end of the week so I will get serious then. Meanwhile my wife says I am just taking my rifle for a nature walk.

  6. My 10yo niece used to enjoy gutting deer (in MI). Now she's in her 30s and a cardiac surgical nurse in AA.


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