Sunday, November 17, 2024

Celibacy as a Social Protest

Frequent commenter Dan wrote the following comment on the post about the 4B movement:

How convenient for the insane lefties to advertise their insanity so we can more easily identify and avoid them. And I've seen it said that if these whack jobs actually possessed the self control to refrain from sex for four whole years then the issue of abortion would be a NON issue.    (Underline for emphasis is mine)

Mr Dan, it is not my intention to be argumentative, but let me lay out the reason(s) why I think they can control their sexual behaviors.

I believe that nearly all women would decline the chance to jump into the sack with "Dumber". The phrase "Not if he was the last man left alive." springs to mind.

Poor Napoleon doesn't have a much better chance, either.

So the switch-in-the-tracks has been universally misidentified as "willpower".

Women seem to possess an infinite amount of willpower when a relationship the "dude" will lower the woman's social standing. The dude has a negative Social Standing Multiplier.

If Elon Musk or Robert Downey, Jr offered, many/most women would probably accept the offer because both men still offer a significant, positive SSMs.

If somebody within the woman's social sphere offered, then the SSM those men offer is not large enough to compensate for the loss of social-standing the women got from their 4B virtue signaling.

After enough time passes, nobody will be paying attention to the posturing because it became "stale" and passed its sell-by date. The social-multiplier from 4B will have faded away. At that point, when Chad winks at them they will be receptive. Heck, even Napoleon will have a chance.

I know this post will totally piss-off some feminists. "Nobody is THAT crass" they will trumpet...however, that degree of "crassness" seems to dominate on the negative SSM side of the scale. Just ask an Incel.

And we are expected to believe that SSM does not exist on the other side of the axis?

As somebody who is pro-life, my take-away is that one way to reduce the number of "unwanted pregnancies" is to attach a negative social-standing to people who engage in risky behaviors.


  1. “As somebody who is pro-life, my take-away is that one way to reduce the number of "unwanted pregnancies" is to attach a negative social-standing to people who engage in risky behaviors.”

    Agree. This used to be the case years ago. It is still the case in smaller towns and in communities outside the US. Historically one problem has been it has been a major negative for the woman but not as big of an issue for the man. If we can get both to see the value in keeping their body count low it will help. AIDS used to be a real concern when engaging in promiscuous behavior. Before modern drugs it was various strains of STD’s or a teen pregnancy. We have “solved “ many of these issues and removed barriers to promiscuous behavior. With it the social stigma has faded.

    We need to return the to the classroom the videos of what a teen Mom goes through. And show what an irresponsible man has to also has to deal either of they get a girl pregnant. Also show what happens to the girl and her child if he walks away. Statistics are there and they need to be aware they can ruin two lives.

    1. Ruin three lives, at a minimum. All of the other children the woman has after her first disappearing boyfriend will also be impacted.

  2. I think we lost the battle when TV shows glorified single teen moms and schools started day care programs for students.
    There is now a program on where they are going back to the teen moms and showing where they are years after appearing on the show. I doubt they are interviewing non-successful moms.

  3. All plausible and possible, Joe. I dunno what it is … but a few nits in this make me suspicious - and so they must be picked!

    - many of those women are flat out nuts. They’re throwing fits and tantrums in their cars and poasting the vids, they’re threatening to poison their family members if they voated the wrong way, they’re going to boycott family holidays to learn everyone a lesson about proper voating habits.

    - most of these loons are overweight and/or are incredibly unattractive. In both cases… the women involved are of no real value in the socio-sexual sense. They’re crazy, ugly and for all intents and purposes - they’re the female equivalent of Dumber and Napoleon. You won’t see the prettier shitlib women shaving their heads and raging and foaming at the mouth. Taylor Swift would never compromise her social status or livelihood by engaging in such histrionics.

    As rational men we seek to impose order and reason on the world around us in order to explain it. Chaos and disorder are unpredictable and frightening to us and we will move heaven and earth to avoid it. Essentially - this is the psyche that drives the average prepper, manager and leader.

    Women, on the other hand - are right at home with mayhem and disorder. They have to be in order to cope with children. As a result they are much more prone to erratic behaviours themselves. So it is that They drive the loonier fads of our day - like abortion, or the pronoun/pervert agendas, the fake Covid crisis, environmental/earth worship, etc.

    Although it’s satire, this is probably right on point regarding the female reasoning processes:

    That is not to say there aren’t patterns. I notice that a lot of these fads and fake causes always have a theme and it’s often the same: the women driving them are the heroes in their own fake life stories. The brave and stunning cat lady opposes the evil Nazi Orange Man Bad. The fatty and chubster nurses danced in the empty halls of hospitals during the lethal Covid crisis, despite the deadly threat of the horrible Covid monster. The poor but noble lesbian social justice warrior, carrying on despite traumatic abuses by the evil patriarchs and dangerous cisgendered males. So brave! So stunning!!!

    In all cases, their narratives set up fake villains that they can engage with and strike at with no real danger to themselves. Perhaps my reasoning is flawed and yours is correct… but I see low, unremarkable, unwanted women trying to make relevance and meaning for themselves…?

    Hey - it’s a theory, is all. I formally submit it to this symposium for critical review - and hope you’re all having a great Sunday.

    1. I don't see your thoughts as being contrary. They are more like a symphony developing a theme.

      Great thoughts. Thanks for reading and commenting...ESPECIALLY when you think we disagree.

    2. My mistake Joe - I did put it forward as an alternate theory but the long story short is... I don't think us fellas are ever going to sort women like that out. A lot of the outrage and sensationalism is driven by the media, IMHO - both the legacy and social media. Serious women generally don't act like this.

  4. Joe I bet you a hundred dollars you sit in a tree stand with a tiny note book. I have a million ideas out there,all day, the cold, starting with the toes, ears, Is that a deer or a turkey? Where is that bag of M&Ms? Dang, too much coffee. Woody

  5. i have to agree with Filthe on this one.

  6. I tend to agree with our host and with Glen Filthie's commentary, both. That certainly tells us what to watch out for among the unattractive harridans who try to compensate for their lack of looks (and lack of other attractive qualities) with enhanced harridan-ness.

    What I think may be most interesting to observe, though, is what will follow over the intermediate term among the mid- to high-status generally liberal women. There are high-status liberal men, but generally their status remains largely surface-level. The truly stable men, both mid- and high-status alike, tend to be toward the right politically, and if nothing else, don't have their heads cross-threaded in regard to what is necessary to survive real hardship. I hypothesize that the upper-mid- and high-status women who aren't just concerned with image will start to come around to men they may have viewed as lower status due to their political and social leanings---i.e., they will change their view of conservative leanings from seeing it as a negative SSM, as ERJ put it, to at least a neutral and likely a positive SSM.

    That, or they'll continue in their delusions, as women seem to do rather easily, and die confused and alone.

  7. All women are crazy. Once you accept that, it becomes easier to live with them and tolerate their irrational behaviour.

  8. Ref "If Musk or Downey asked", old story about some Brit big shot at a party asked a woman if she'd sleep with him for $5,000(it was a long time ago), she said yes.
    "Would you do it for $25?"
    "Of course not, what do you think I am!"
    "Darling, we established what you are, we're just haggling about price."


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