Saturday, January 13, 2024

On the lighter side


A woman's purse is a mysterious thing 2:30 run-time

I asked AI to profile my typical reader

Based on THIS ARTICLE my readers (or at least those of you who comment) are insanely clever.

  • Curious and inquisitive
  • Highly self-aware
  • Healthy dose of skepticism
  • Recognize patterns others miss
  • Good sense of humor
  • Comfortable with uncertainty
  • Great at problem solving
  • Adaptable and flexible
  • Enjoy conversations that have substance and involve objective measures


  1. They missed traits- "Handsom/Beautiful" and "proudly humble".

  2. I don't always listen to the voices in my head but man do they come up with some good ideas sometimes.
    RE the Sargasso Sea room, do you have some super secret satellite X ray link or something? I'm sitting here in the room I use for my office surrounded by 90% of the stuff you listed plus a bunch of other stuff I haven't seen in years. But I know where it is right? Yeah, right?

  3. I knew better than to watch that purse thing while eating yogurt at breakfast! Now how do I clean my laptop keyboard and display?

  4. Yes sir, and I bring "likes essence of skunk, horse hide and cow manure" to the table, too.

  5. Why thank you Eaton Rapids Joe! I resemble those remarks and pilfered that purse yube tube for my nefarious purpose at my blog...

  6. I kept waiting for her to pull one of those huge .50 cal revolvers out but she didn't. Must be a libtard. ---ken

  7. Mary Poppins had the purse thing down like a boss.

  8. Conversations indeed. I made a run to Winco ahead of the current arctic blast. Apparently I was not the only one with that idea. The shopping crowd was, shall we say, "diverse". I was struck (once again) by the number of one sided conversations simultaneously within ear shot, each of these individuals wearing some sort of ear bud, and nattering on incessantly. As an aside, I was also struck by the number of near contact highs from marijuana fumes drifting from clothing.


Readers who are willing to comment make this a better blog. Civil dialog is a valuable thing.