Saturday, January 20, 2024

I loath election years

I loath election years. (in my best Gollum voice) "I hates them, I do!"

I vow to take better care of myself. Right now, that looks like I need at least two hours a day, outside, moving. Walking/running/hunting/fishing/gardening/whacking the heads off of dandelions....are all great ways to sublimate stress.

I would also like to lose 30 pounds. At one pound a week that puts me near the end-of-July to hit that goal.

The bottom-line for you, gentle readers, is that my writing output will drop tremendously. You have the chance to turn it into something positive. Take the three or five minutes you would have spent reading my blog and practice throwing rocks or building campfires or trying out your new bullwhip or cast-net or shooting your pellet gun.

If those sound too arduous, then hug and kiss your wife for three minutes. Just remember to breath breathe.


  1. You meant 'breathe' - write?

  2. Make your exercise program fun. Try making and learning how to use rabbit sticks. Seek out willow type flexible withies and create and practice with fish traps. Even minnows' corn mealed and fried are tasty. Just make sure (Part of your cross-country walking mileage practice) that all the sources of water to your fishing hole are free of human contamination. Poor septic tanks and worse petroleum contamination is bad.

  3. Newsome one year from today? omghellangone Woody

  4. Thanks for the leadership. I need to do the same. Just need to adjust it for my age. ---ken

  5. Good luck, be safe and God bless.

  6. Concur with all... Getting back in shape IS a good resolution!

  7. If electing anyone mattered, we would no longer be allowed to vote. Trump was an accident at best and is now controlled opposition at its worst.

    Bread and circuses abound.

    You are witnessing controlled demolition of generational western banking schemes in real time. Sovereign debt cannot be repaid and it won’t be. Default. How?


    Distraction and diversion via death - same as it ever was. Did any of you ever think that the bankers would own up to the ponzi from 1945/1971 (Bretton Woods I/II) until now?

    They will never do that.

    The narrative will be “sorry about your pension/401k/bank account.

    It was all guaranteed and insured until this darned WAR broke out. Aw shucks, we’re all in this together now!

    With enough suffering, the majority will gladly accept whatever crumbs are offered to them.

    Prepare to suffer…

    1. And hell yes Joe is right, get in good physical shape for the coming turmoil.

      Get yourself free of prescription meds and pharma, free of the medical industrial complex, and free of .gov best you can.

      The next 5-10yrs will blow the minds of even those that think they are “prepared” for what we are facing.

      Rug being pulled in 3, 2, 1…

  8. Technology=Totalitarinism.

  9. While we'll miss your writing, I understand and agree it's a good idea.


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