Friday, January 26, 2024

Fake News Friday: Planned Parenthood announces new line of ornaments for the mentally-ill


Planned Parenthood announced a new line of sacramental regalia and party favors to let the world know that you are signaling your virtue while celebrating your young child's first round of puberty blockers or sex hormones.

The collections include vestal virgin or androgynous acolyte garments, Gwyneth Paltrow candles, sage-rue and cannabis incense bundles, charm bracelets festooned with polymer-impregnated gonads and ethically-sourced leather-bound missalette of Satanic Prayers.


  1. You can't have virtue and promote satan so they are lying as usual.
    God will see to dealing with this and I hope I live long enough to see it happen.. ---ken

  2. Sigh... makes you wonder, doesn't it...


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