Sunday, January 14, 2024

Damsels-in-distress and Hooters

We had a young couple sit behind us at Mass today. They had two children. The older daughter was probably 2-1/2 years old and the younger one about 6 months. Both kids were adorable.

The kids were very verbal.

It gives me joy when I hear kids in church even when they might be a little bit louder than their parents are comfortable with. Good times.

Fix it

Mrs ERJ was walking at the gym after Mass this afternoon. She ran into another lady whose 2-wheel-drive truck had slipped off the crown of her driveway and the rear, driving-wheels were on the grass and very-much downhill of the drive.

Those of you who are familiar with the Bible may remember the story of Jesus's first miracle as written in John; the Wedding at Cana.

Mary (Jesus's mother) heard that the caterer had run out of wind and a catastrophe was about to ensue.


She went to Jesus and told him "Fix it."

He whined "But it is not my time!"

She pulled the "mom-card". "I don't want to hear any excuses. Fix it."

Which he did to the tune of 120-to-180 gallons of wine.

Mrs ERJ is a little bit more understated than Mary was in the Bible.

"Joe, listen to this lady's problem" she said.

Then she said "Fix it."

We got it pulled out on the second attempt. I needed 60 feet of strap and chain to get my rear wheels on dry pavement but that did the trick.

Mrs ERJ is treating me to chili tonight. Life is good.


When I got home there were a bunch of crows making a heck of a ruckus a couple of hundred feet from where I park. Something in our White Pines (P. strubus) was making them madder than heck.

I suspect that I might have a Great Horned Owl attempting to nest there.

The other possibility is a Red Tailed Hawk but they almost always prefer to "loaf" in tall, deciduous trees like Cottonwoods.

Owls are cool.

Gym report

There was another lifter on the dead-lift platform AGAIN.

But this lady was actually lifting. In her case 135 pounds and she was sweating.

No worries. I hung out at the squat rack and kept an eye on her so I could claim the platform when she was done. No lechery. Mrs ERJ is at least 50 times more attractive than I found that lass.

She was getting ready to "break-down" and I told her I would take care of it.

"Really?" she asked.

"Sure. Really" I said.

It was only after I was half-way through my planned lifts that I realized that one of the other lifters might have been waiting for the platform. She had moved to the machine RIGHT NEXT TO THE PLATFORM as I lifted.

Oops! Maybe I should have asked her if she wanted it next.

I shortened up my recovery periods between sets and I will probably end up paying for that.

Live and learn. Or live and don't learn. Or don't learn and die. Take your pick.


  1. ERJ, the "keeping an eye out for other lifters eyeing the same platform" is a real thing. I have awkwardly started use something more than once only to find that someone else was planning on the same - or worse, already in the middle of their set.

  2. You do what you have to, to keep the little lady happy...

  3. Waiting on equipment is one of the biggest reasons why I still keep all my old second and third hand gym equipment in a shed in the back yard. If I ever got HVAC / rat control, I might use it more.

    - Arc

  4. I heard Live and Learn when I was a kid. Geeze,, did I understand That wrong.?
    Somehow I Thought it meant that if I paid attention I'd stop screwing up when I got older... Yeah, that didn't happen..

  5. Ummm, the caterers ran out of wine, not wind. Darn autocorrect.

    Our church is filled every week, and a multitude of children. Large families are common. It’s a welcome sight, the kids are learning the truth. We see a ton of older kids too, college kids, young adults, quite a few weddings. It’s an oasis from the nutty world.
    I always feel bad for the owls when the crows and jays start ganging up on them. We used to have a lot of owls, not so many now. I miss them.
    Southern NH


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