Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Pronouns for dummies

Hee, Haw: Country Boy

Yee, Haw: Cow Boy

Wah, Eey: Reverse Cowboy

Not late, for dinner: Old Man

Dey, Dem: City Boy

Enunciate, Carefully: EASL teacher (pronounce)

Yo, Yo!: Duncan Fonzarelli

Mofo, Mofoes: Yutes

Please feel free to add to the list


  1. Ya’ll - all-a ya’alls ——— Southern Boy

  2. Yinz All Yinz. Pittsburgh area

  3. Mr.,Sir. - former HS teacher

    1. Mr. Miss, also used esp in the South as a sign of respect for anyone who is an adult. For example, throughout Texas it is common for children-teens to say to a neighbor " Miss Elisabeth would you like some Sweet Tea ?" In this case neighbor Elisabeth could actually be married but is still referred to as " Miss". Or in my case they might say "Mr. John", etc.


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