Saturday, January 6, 2024

January 6, 2021: The day our innocence died

January 6, 2021: The day it became apparent that naive Americans could be sucked into the vortex and find themselves sitting in prison severed from their social-support networks, without recourse to counsel or access to exculpatory evidence; denied our Constitutionally guaranteed "speedy trial".

Object lessons!

Sucked in like krill by Blue Whales. Nothing personal, mind you. Guilty of the crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and the director of the theater-production needed some bodies to die in the Gladiator scene.

Accepting what is beyond our control

The Bible tells us that we will be persecuted for what we believe. Since I have no intention of changing my Beliefs, then I must prepare to the possibility of being thrown into prison.*

I accept that.  There are things I have no control over.

But I can prepare for the possibility. Even if it seems like an impossibly small chance it will happen to me. Even if the preps are arduous and contrary to my nature.

Like most of my readers, I am poorly prepared for prison culture.  What makes us safe and successful in our middle-class bubbles are the opposite of what will sustain us in prison. We have been trained to FAIL prison.

My perceptions:

  • Believing what you see in movies about prisons is a good way to get yourself killed or sustain closed-head injuries.
  • Silence is Golden. Any information you volunteer will be ruthlessly exploited. Nobody trusts a convict who motor-mouths.
  • Prison is filled with con-men looking for an angle. For the most part, you are not a fellow human but a resource to be exploited in any way possible. Keep your mouth shut!
  • Snitches get shanked.
  • Don't antagonize guards but don't appear to cozy up to them. Treat them like furniture and you will probably be OK.
  • Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. You need to learn the road-map of your new universe.
  • You will get tested. You will be tested violently. Be ready. Fight to win. Imagine the worst sports-team, seventh-grade locker-room or fraternity hazing and multiply by 100X. There is no recourse to "authorities" (see note about shanking).
  • The way to minimize the amount of testing is to figure out where you will end up in the pecking order and try to edge-in there.
  • Bragging will get you more beat-downs (see notes about keeping your mouth shut)
  • You are not tough enough to go-it-alone. Finding the right tribe is the key to survival. The wrong tribe is bad for your health.
  • Find a mentor but weigh what they tell you (see note about con-men). They can give you guidance regarding which tribes your tribe is currently on good-terms with. 
  • Avoid tribes that are not on good terms with your chosen tribe. Doing an act of kindness for the wrong tribe will be seen as disloyalty by your tribe and you will lose the protection of your tribe.
  • Prison is not a trust-based society. It is a respect-based society. The set of attributes that are respected in prison are different than attributes that might get you elected to the Board of Elders at your church.
  • Your tribe will test you by demanding acts that demonstrate your loyalty. That might include tattoos or beating-down traitors. It might include a lot of different things but you will not want to do them. It would not be a test of loyalty if you did.
  • Don't drop the soap.
  • Sometimes it is good to be old and ugly.

NOTE WELL: I have never been in prison but have known a few prison guards and read a few articles. I am painfully aware of the limitations of my impressions.

Much of what I wrote was extrapolated from a subset of the people I supervised in factories.

I will be thrilled if any readers with first-hand knowledge want to call "BULL-SHIT!" on what I wrote. That is actually what I am fishing for, better information.

* I know this seems like a huge jump for some people, from "...people tossed into the hoosegow for trespassing to Freedom of Religion/Expression. The stream-of-thoughts that connect the two in my mind is that the State is demanding that we put God in second place and elevate them to that position. The State is demanding that they dictate what is "right" and what is "wrong" and that systems put in place for accountability and transparency be bypassed when they find it convenient.

Peeling away all the fancy wrapping and distracting details, the people who were tossed in prison for what they did January 6, 2021 were guilty of challenging the primacy-of-the-State.


  1. They were put into (and still are being tried and put into) prison for the fact of defying the folks in power and for daring to say "Not Today".
    The charges of :insurrections" are specious at best. Trespassing, maybe.
    Foolish to be there, most of us knew it was a trap. But still, patriots.
    They are window dressing in the attack on DJT to keep him from trying again.

    1. Trespassing... in "The Peoples' House..." which their tax dollars pay for...

  2. I worked with a guy that worked for 4 years at Joliet State prison.
    The inmates run the place.
    "hey screw, can you do me a favor?"
    "Nice family you got there......."

  3. Many eons ago I had to get interviews from inmates for a developmental psychology class in college.
    Rule #1 Don't go to prison.
    Rule #2 See Rule #1

  4. Peter Grant's "Walls, Wire, Bars, and Souls" is a memoir of his days as a prison chaplain. It is quite an eye-opener about the culture of prisons but also a wakeup call that some criminals should NEVER be allowed to walk free in polite society.

    Strongly recommended.

    1. It is in the pile of books that I am currently reading.

      It is not a fast, easy read.

  5. "Peeling away all the fancy wrapping and distracting details, the people who were tossed in prison for what they did January 6, 2021 were guilty of challenging the primacy-of-the-State."

    So insurrection, then?

    1. So, the Nazi death-camps were moral because they were backed by the primacy of the people currently in power?

    2. Hmm... Did I say that?

      Your statement sounds like a definition of insurrection so I assume you are saying it was an insurrection.

      As far as the Nazis go, they tried the same thing with the Beer Hall Putsch.

    3. The insurrection was the government abandoning rule of Constitutional law, arresting and imprisoning peaceful protesters on made up charges and dropping charges on their violent brownshirts. Or maybe a coup d'etat.

    4. Challenging the primacy of the State ... by questioning the legitimacy of the election that was run by the State and supposedly gave it legitimacy.

      So the State is allowed to run fraudulent elections and get away with it? Question it and you're an insurrectionist? Or are the people running the fraudulent election the insurrectionists?

  6. Best advice is don't get sent to prison. Second, don't be the nail that stands out, you will be hammered down. Third, be Mr Mouse, but carry a box of matches.

    On the dry side

  7. I worked in a prison for 28 years. Your advice is pretty good, but it's better not to go in the first place, unless you're there to make a living.

  8. Challenging the primacy of the state? To me it looked like a bunch of grannies, a gew drunks and tourists taking an impromptu visit. All I am seeing out of your current administration is complete, craven cowardice.
    We had the same thing up here during the trucker revolt that put an end to Turdo's fake pandemic. I would have loved to have seen that thing put an end to Turdo himself - but his response was every bit as heavy handed and gutless as your Donks.

    Somebody is going to get shot soon at this rate, or they'll have a bomb tossed at them ... and they will certainly deserve it.

  9. I have to disagree somewhat. The people who were taken by the State were guilty of nothing. Evidence shows that they were let into the Capitol by police. The traitorous FBI agents who staged this false-flag operation are guilty of entrapment, false arrest, abuse of power, violations of several parts of the Bill of Rights, and should get the Vlad treatment on the lawn in front of the Capitol. Tucker's interview yesterday with Clay Higgins makes pretty clear what actually happened.

    1. Mostly agree. Some may have been guilty of some minor infractions/misdemeanors. The Capitol Police were guilty of far worse. The whole thing was a trap, designed to smear the reputation of Trump supporters. Wind up their emotions and entrapment. Then have the partisan DOJ drop the hammer.

    2. Whoever walked off with Pelosi's laptop was guilty of theft. To the best of my knowledge it has never been recovered.

      There are two viable explanations. One is that whoever walked off with it realized it was "too hot" and tossed it into the Potomac.

      The other explanation is that the person who walked off with it worked for an intelligence agency and slipped into a Faraday bag and took it "home" and the contents have been used to incentivize Nancy's cooperation.

  10. I recently spent 41 days in a Bavarian prison for not paying the broadcast "license". Your summary of the survival rules is spot on. May I add:

    + Learn a viable self defence system before you go in. I can recommend the more brutal and realistic southern Chinese versions.

    + The legal tender is tobacco. You buy allies with it, even if you do not smoke.

    + Memorise a broadly representative selection of Scripture. Your Bible and reading glasses are privileges and will be used as hostages. Your faith will be tested.


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