Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Bleak thoughts

I had a conversation with a fellow conservative about a year ago.

The question was "How will we know when the balloon has gone up and the rule-set changes to war-time footing?" It isn't like the other side will announce it. They gain advantage by running in stealth-mode as long as possible. And if fighting erupts in one region, it seems likely that the news will be suppressed to limit-the-spread.

Those who are "fundamentally remaking America" benefit from the boiling-frog paradox and will keep it up as long as possible.

How can one know?

The fellow conservative shared with me that he had asked a trusted clergyman the same question. Paraphrasing: The clergyman said "You will know that the Civil War went hot if you hear of death-squads visiting clergy of any flavor-or-stripe. At that point, some of the people you currently think of as neighbors and co-workers are enemy combatants and a different set of guidelines are activated."

Death-squads can be members of the status-quo moonlighting. They can be proxies for the status-quo.  They can be non status-quo as well. In times of upheaval, territory becomes a patchwork quilt that changes over time.

Not a great signal

Clergy getting visited by death-squads is not a great signal for most of us because the signal gets crushed by the noise. Except for some very rare exceptions (like the death of Samantha Wolls) the news will not get much ink.

May I suggest that we substitute Journalist/media person for clergyman? The news media amplifies every event that impacts their own industry and journalists/media assassinations is (historically) a robust marker of civil strife.

Number of reporters who were victims of homicide in 2022. May I remind you that "reporters" are small subset of "media".

Extracting information from "data"

"Data" and "Information" are not the same thing. One can look at a stream of data and reach one of four conclusions:

  • Conclude that Condition A is TRUE when in fact it is TRUE
  • Conclude that Condition A is NOT-TRUE when in fact it is NOT-TRUE
  • Conclude that Condition A is TRUE when it is, in reality NOT-TRUE
  • Conclude that Condition A is NOT-TRUE when it is, in reality TRUE

Obviously, we want to be in the top two conditions and not the bottom two.

These decisions become much tougher when there is little data.

One way to increase the data is to add proxies that are similar/like/less-severe. For example, I already added "media and Journalists" to reporters to increase the data. I am guessing that there are five assistants to every talking head when they head out to the field to "investigate" an incident. Those camera men and sound guy and the two-dudes in the up-load truck are at least as vulnerable as the talking head.

One might also add "assault" to "homicide" to enrich the flow of data because a homicide is an assault taken to the extreme (or perhaps the victim was unlucky).

The downside of enriching the data is that it can become too sensitive. The usual way to handle that is to "smooth" or "filter" the data.

Have you ever lost a contest and suggested "Hey, let's make it best two-out-of-three"? Or have you ever wondered why the World Series is Best of Seven Games?

In the first case you were intuitively attempting to "smooth" the data. You believe that you are superior to your opponent and random chance led to his prevailing over you. It is a similar idea that leads to the seven-games in the World Series.

THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE: For example, even ordinary people become victims of homicides so the single homicide of a media person is probably random noise. 

But what are the odds of three journalists/media types getting whacked in a three month period?

The death-rate due to homicide in the US is about 0.5 per hundred-thousand per month. There are about 350,000 people employed in the broadcasting-and-content industry according to Statista. That implies that in an average month, two people employed in the industry will be victims of homicide.

Most of those will have assignable causes like jealous lover, robbery, business disputes, free-range emotionally-impaired people or drug/alcohol involvement. Those deaths are very unlikely to make national news.

So let's assume that less than 10% of the homicides are due to something other than "the usual reasons". That takes the base rate down to 0.2 homicides per month so the odds of three of those events happening in three consecutive months by random-chance is 0.2*0.2*0.2 (0.2 is 2 homicides per month * 10%) or a 12% chance. That means that there is an almost a 90% chance that the deaths were not random.

Testing the hypothesis

Let's look at France, a country with about 1/5 of the population as the United States and it has a homicide rate that is 1/5 the rate of the US.

On January 7, 2015 politically/religiously motivated assassins killed 12 journalists and wounded 11 others at Charlie Hebdo, a magazine that published satire.

Would a reasonable person assume that France was engaged in a civil war? Maybe. Maybe not. The nay-sayers might claim that a single incident does not indicate widespread, coordinated effort one usually associates with a civil war.

So maybe the "balloon" needs to comprehend that the data come from separate incidents.


I am not advocating violence

I am not singling out any particular group. If you look at the last three months you would have to believe Pro-Palestinians are more likely to take matters into their own hands than traditional, Conservative Americans.

I am not singling out Journalists/Media out of personal animosity. I identify them for the same reason overwhelmed mothers slap their squalling kids across the mouth in the check-out lane at the grocery store: It is where the noise comes out. I single them out because they are seen by many as a seamless extension of a Let-Them-Eat-Cake out-of-touch government. I identify them because while they might suppress all kinds of news, they are hardwired to report news about media/journalists/celebrities. The signal will get through.


  1. Gonzalo Lira, RIP.
    Hope you got a ham... at the very least a baofeng tuned to your local repeaters.

  2. While reporters used to always have assistants and staff with them, the ones I've seen in smaller markets recently do everything themselves, so number of victims there is less important than number of in incidents.

    Have you thought about location or types that will make the incidents more noteworthy? For example, inner city versus rural, major media versus less mainstream?
    A few thoughts...

    1. I have two streams of thoughts in this regard.

      One is that it won't matter. A couple of years ago there was a marathon in a middle-sized market and the talking head had her back to the runners and, frankly, was impeding their flow.

      One of the healthy young men running by gave her a slap on her derriere. That "sexual assault" made national news.

      The other thought I had is that if I DID have thoughts and if I listed them on the internet, it might appear as if I am issuing a "Fatwa" or inciting violence when I am simply documenting what I believe to be natural and logical progressions of current events.

      In order to avoid the appearance of inciting violence, I would not go into details.

  3. Three thoughts occur as a reflex:

    1. The target ("victim"?, "martyr"?) will not be an employee of a large, traditional news network. More likely someone who breaks a story embarrassing to the .gov such James O'Keefe, Tucker Carlson, or John Solomon. Or a whistleblower or lesser-known investigative reporter who is about to release the story.

    2. What happens if they assassinate Trump?

    3. Blue cities are hiring illegal aliens as police and issuing them firearms. Supposedly they are not supposed to carry when off-duty. Yeah, right. It looks far too much like someone is creating a paramilitary force, like the ones in Latin America. And one has to wonder if these people are connected to the Mexican cartels...

  4. In Bosnia the SHTF signal was when ambulances were stopped and the crew robbed, beaten and murdered.

  5. Michael: internet search "assault on EMS in Detroit", and see what you find.

    1. Nasty situation created by poor dispatch. NOT the scenario I witnessed in Bosnia.

      I used to be EMS in Fayetteville NC in 1997 (often referred to as fatalville). I was issued a soft bulletproof vest. We were not to assist the victim until cleared by police on the scene. We were cleared one evening and went to work. The shooter circled back was pissed we were saving his victim, and I got a 38 in the back. The cops showed up still chasing him around. Thus, I'm still here to comment.

      I turned in my gear, the slightly used vest (worked but two busted ribs) the next day and found a safer medical job.

      No in Bosnia they road blocked the EMS, and forced them out at gunpoint to rob, beat and murder them for helping the other bastards.

    2. I'm thinking assault on EMS is a pretty good metric, also.

      I'm equally interested in knowing when the uptick in assault / murder of .GOV employees is visible, especially in the DC area.

  6. I don't think the clergy being targeted is a good metric to judge by. First is America is becoming a much less religious nation and many people don't attend church or know a clergyman. Second many of the "clergy" have openly embraced the lefts agenda. They are apart of the

  7. When they control the media and start limiting... oh, like now...

  8. How do you know when that 'crowd' turns into a 'mob'? It's not the random bad-actors (although they can 'precipitate' and 'steer' such) but when the collective "general tenor/feeling" of the crowd changes.

    It's not the event (any large group will have random 'bad' events occurring), it's not even the number of them (some will have more, some less) it's ... the "acceptance", the "predictability" (as part of that group you are 'shocked' by them because such events are rare, unusual, unexpected. When they become not just predictable, but the norm, just SSDD 'that is when).

    There is (always 'only' in hindsight, or occasionally from the uninvolved and safe) recognition of a "beginning". Then there is a period (from seconds to decades) where such events gradually ramp-up, whilst still being 'notable', they become seen as 'not unusual' [this is currently where we are]. It's when it goes from 'not unusual' to 'usual', just 'the way it is' ...

    Everyone assumes "civilisation" is a somehow a separately definable state (some, leftists useful idiots, believe it is somehow "natural" and "spontaneous") but it is, in fact, defined (or should be) as "the fight against barbarism". It's the oil on troubled waters, the fire-damper (or occasionally extinguisher), it's the norms and values, the conventions, institutions and even laws we use to 'manage' (e.g. by offering legal redress rather than the lynch mob) the barbarian within.

    Look at any (and all) third (and most second) world countries and all the "trappings of civilisation" you assume are universal ... aren't (if they show some at all, they are mere window-dressing at best, to allow them access to the benefits of trade with civilisation, or just non-existent). Ask a citizen of such and it's not that they are shocked when the barbarians rear their heads, they're shocked only ... when they don't.

    Whilst the leftists are, mostly, still ramping-up (lots of rhetoric and random acts, but not yet a usual occurrence), look to the muslims and notice that they have (everywhere) reached the tipping point, going from 'random' acts of violence (which have long been 'not unusual') to ... mobs made up of entire "communities" openly, and cheerfully, calling, and acting for, barbarism (and the 'blacks' aren't far behind).

    When it goes from clergy/journalists 'unaccountably' arrested or killed in some far-off place, through any 'here' who speaks up, to 'knowing' that if 'you' say, do, think the wrong thing (wear the wrong colour shirt, belong to the wrong organisation/church/etc., don't salute/genuflect/chant loud enough, be in the wrong place J6 cough) that you 'will' be, are, a target.

    So? We aren't 'there' yet, and have been there for a long time.

    People can already feel the difference. Look at the migrations, where people are moving away from the mob, and near 'people like them'. The fight is ongoing, but it's currently anybodies guess whether it goes hot, or not. We're not yet Venezuela, let alone Somalia, but ... we're well on the way to being Boznia.

  9. The arrest and subsequent murder on Gonzolo Lira in the Ukrane with the apparent approval of our government would be the beginning of things going hot. Particularly when you consider he contradicted the narrative of our government and we correct. Roger

    1. We'll know things are hot when the first Americans fight back. So far everyone has taken the abuse and the few who have fought it have done it through the legal system, mostly without any help, at ruinous cost to themselves.


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