Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Strength training is a gateway to White-Supremacist thought-crime. Who knew?

A bottom-shelf, Progressive "expert" is getting more exposure than she anticipated over an article that she penned about six months ago.

In that article, she identified the desire to be physically fit as a gate-way to White-Supremacist thought-crime and Right-wing Extremism.*

Specifically, she pointed out strength-training, testosterone and defensive arts as the most evil portals to...not being safely dependent on the system.

Rather than mocking the intellectual pygmy who wrote the piece and her insistence that all those scary men should change so she can be more comfortable, I want to write a quick essay about why I think being physically strong and physically fit is important.


If you watch a couple of good basketball teams play, and if the officials LET them play. The game is smooth and fluid and very, very fast. Mistakes are made but each player flows as seamless part of the team to fix the mistake.

Every player can dribble.

Every player can rebound.

Every player can make amazing passes and in-bound the ball.

Every player can shoot three-pointers and juke inside and push the ball up.

Every player.

Because it is not possible to know in advance where the ball will go or exactly how it will bounce. A single finger can deflect the ball and change the course of the game.

Magic Johnson, a guard, played center in the 1980 NBA finals when KAJ was not able to play. And he did a very credible job especially when you consider that he was a rookie.

Other major sports are not as seamless. 

Soccer has defensive specialist and corner-kicking specialists and a goal keeper.

American football has separate teams for offense and defense and the play stops after every down.

Baseball is a retelling of David and Goliath; two heroes (pitcher and batter) in a duel with a supporting cast in reserve.

Hockey...much closer to basketball except they still have the guy between the pipes.

Brittle vs Ductile failures

Imagine somebody construct a diving board from a single rod of glass. We intuitively know this is a bad idea because as soon as a flaw develops on the diving board's surface, the beam will break and the diver or a swimmer might get speared by a jagged edge.

Now visualize a diving board but it is an optimized truss where every molecule of steel is stressed to its ultimate tensile strength. Steel is ductile so there should be no problem, right?

In fact there can be a problem. Steel rusts. Divers don't always respect the maximum weight restrictions. Imperfections in fabrication can occur. Because every molecule is already stress to the maximum, there is no "under-worked" material that failing material can shift its load to. "Optimized" structures can fail and they do fail they often fail spectacularly.

For our third mental experiment, visualize a diving board made from a solid, steel plate of a simple, garden variety mild steel. When in bending, the most highly loaded material is at the extreme top-and-bottom of the plate right where it is bricked into the wall. The material gets progressively less loaded as it approaches the center of the plate.

A diving board of this nature does not fail when overloaded. Fail that is, in the sense that it becomes totally incapable of carrying the load. Rather it fails by deforming as the very top-and-bottom layers permanently deform and the slightly deeper layers pick up more load.

The metaphor

If your minds have not raced ahead of my text, let me be clear. Modern society is like the optimized truss because it is hyper-specialized and tasks cannot be (easily) shifted to other resources.

What happens when the Sanitation Department goes on strike and stops picking up the trash? People cannot or are not allowed to seek other ways to dispose of their waste products. That is just one example.

Being physically fit and physically strong is the cornerstone of being able to adapt to chaos and to create work-arounds. 

Getting back to our waste-disposal problem. A person with a couple off five-gallon buckets has a lot more options than a person who does not IF he can carry them down X number of flights of stairs. I will even spot you half-filled buckets because slopping the contents is not a good thing.

You have to have a certain amount of stamina to move your body out of harms way.

Gardening requires flexibility and stamina and the ability to adapt to heat and cold.

And on, and on, and on.

Being physically capable is to choose to not be the deer-in-the-headlights. Being physically capable means you can get off the X and you can move your family off the X.

Maybe that is what scares people like the author of the alarmist piece referenced above. They are afraid of anybody who can vault over the guardrails they want to put around our behaviors.

*I want to be the fly on the wall when she tells Mike Tyson that he is a White-Supremacist.


  1. I believe your final assessment is correct: they fear anyone capable of independence.
    This takes many forms and the reasons are varied, but to my mind, it boils down to personal weakness, mentally and physically, rooted in the image of self.
    Why does the media attack an arrogant ass like Andrew Tate so viciously? Theres lots of assholes, but this one preaches strength and masculinity. They want subservient and meek individuals afraid to stand up! The british had a good thing going for a while there... the elites controlled the plebes, no different at any time in history, just the costumes change.

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  3. Lack of stamina is the thing I hate the most. I used to be able to shift into first gear and gut through hard work. Now, post lung damage, rest breaks are mandatory. I'm still doing stuff, but I have to watch out how far I push or I'll curl up like the witch's feet. I can still manage heat okay, but at some eutectic point of added humidity, I can't get air. It's infuriating at times living down here next to the sun's surface. (My proofreading fu was weak)

  4. For most of human history, strength has been considered an asset - because it is what powered our society.
    It is only recently (post WWI?) That mechanization has given us any other options - and as you suggested, any hiccups in that system require us to revert to muscle power.
    I think the author, and many others in similar situations, show their fear of anything different or stronger than them - as mentioned, they want to dictate terms to us and can't stand anyone they can't force to follow their will.
    This is part of why the same people want to ban guns, limit police, etc.

    1. I was really tempted to go in that direction with the essay but opted not to.

      What you say is undoubtedly true about many Progressives but I cannot state with any authority that the author was in that frame-of-mind when she composed her piece.

      So rather than duplicate her error, building a strawman and then knocking it down, I wrote about a subject I AM an authority on: The reasons behind the life-choices I make. I, me, numero-uno.

      I think the intelligent readers appreciate the difference.

  5. At 82 - falling down and discovering you can’t get up is really humiliating. So I sit in my rocker and do rifle calisthenics. And keep my magazines loaded.

    1. I recently managed to do about twenty push-ups ... Oh OK, I was picking something up I had dropped and ... it took me twenty attempts to get back up, but the principle is the same, Right?

      Most of the exercise I get is shaking my head in disbelief (I probably get as much cardio from this a day as I did when I could still run miles).

      I 'blame' my remaining cognitive abilities on the daily ballistic calculations (and inventorying my "stores") and ... like you my physical on doing daily "callisthenics", as well as humping said 'stores' to and from the backyard 'gym'.

  6. Call me a cynic (everybody else does) but …

    Why do I think the crucial aspect of this story is not (just) the authors ‘race’ but their ‘sex’.

    What every sport, martial art and, especially, strength/fitness training illustrates, makes clear, unequivocal and undenaible is … men are simply stronger, faster, have more endurance and are simply tougher.

    Consider any, and all, “race” and/or “feminist” demands (whining) and, at it’s root, you will always find the sad, desperate attempt to overturn the principle of … meritocracy (in any of it’s myriad forms).

    I suspect it’s not, even vaguely, that ‘she’ believes strength training is some gateway drug to white supremacy, but that it is prima facia, undeniable, evidence that men are better at something/anything (and no amount of affirmative Action will ever allow her to live up to the fantasies “culture” has indoctrinated her in for decades).

    She ‘knows’ (has been told and shown in every movie and TV show, not to mention government and education edict, for decades) that she ‘is’ simply better at everything than any mere man (especially those despised white ones), and the fact that reality is otherwise can ‘only’ be because of some (white supremacy) conspiracy against her.

    That uncomfortable dose of reality is too painful, because if men are better at that, and she can only compete if given unfair advantage (and probably not even then), then her entire life, everything she thinks she has earned (but has in reality been given) is … a lie – and she can never admit that.

    (Notice that, whilst there are some small number of black males who make similar diatribes, it is only ever the ‘losers’ who do so. The overwhelming majority of such drivel is published by … black ‘women’, desperately searching for someone/something/anyone/anything to blame but their own inadequacies.

    The fact that everything women ‘are’ better at is not just not valued, but actively despised by the woke crowd, ensures that such women ‘must’ be frantic.

    All the evidence shows women, collectively, are as unhappy, with every aspect of their lives, now as they have ‘ever’ been, and the most unhappy are … black women. That is baked into the system when you are at the pinnacle of the victimhood totem and reality ‘still’ keeps screwing with your fantasies).

    1. She looks like a White woman to me:

    2. Oh please! Not lookism now. She may 'identify' as a cross eyed two legged purple eater. Or maybe she is just POed the buff,m fit white supermacist white guy wont put up with her BS.

    3. How dare y'all assume they/them/its race/gender/species. You bunch of h8ter -ists and -ics you!

      You know all those 'ethnic' prison inmates lining up to pump-iron are all just wanting to get their white on.

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  9. Of course it is...sigh... again with the BS. This is why I just shake my head and go on with what I'm doing.

  10. ERJ, physical strength and stamina has great health benefits, just beyond the fact that being able to go for longer and lift things is a plus for actually living outside of an Office/Urban environment.

    I suspect that you are onto something: anything that allows the individual to have independence at the cost of the...Collective? State? Not sure what to put here... must be eliminated.

    1. To Old NFO's point, I too will just keep on keeping on.

  11. My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… 3-4 hours/day ./ 95 bucks every hour…..>


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