Monday, July 3, 2023

Garden Party position on Criminal Justice

Prosecutors and judges who deviate from commonly accepted standards of prosecution and sentencing are guilty of depriving citizens of their civil rights when the criminals who were granted leniency commit violent crimes afterward.

The culpability shifts to the prosecutors and judges when criminals re-offend. They cannot cower behind "indemnity" because indemnification is really the mechanism that protects the collective wisdom embodied in commonly accepted policies, procedures and standards. The prosecutors and judges who venture out from beneath the umbrella of those commonly accepted standards is no longer protected by that umbrella.

In effect, the prosecutors and judges selected to implement those standards and to protect the community became complicit in the civil rights violations perpetrated by violent criminals when those prosecutors and judges opted to deviate from those standards. They own the consequences. Their nonfeasance makes them accessories to the future crimes committed by those criminals.

It is worth noting that poor women and children, often women-and-children-of-color bear consequences of the vast majority of the crime committed by criminals whose behaviors were not addressed by WOKE prosecutors and judges.

The Garden Party's position is that the Department of Justice shall initiate Violation of Civil Rights investigations, prosecution and sentencing of those prosecutors and judges who:

  • Publicly announced their intentions to deviate from commonly accepted standards of prosecution and sentencing
  • Oversee areas with greater crime rates than the national average


  1. The Garden Party is living in a fantasy land if it thinks that ANYONE will make any effort whatsoever to hold anyone involved in the legal system accountable for failing to do their duty. EVERYTHING that is happening is deliberate, part of the lefts plan to destroy this country so they can remake it into their "socialist paradise". Allowing crime to run rampant and crucifying anyone who actually opposes criminals is part of that plan.

    1. But Dan, are you old enough to remember Soylent Green?
      In the Garden Party we are after green soil.
      You have to feed the soil so later the soil can feed you.
      Personally I am leaning towards purchasing a backhoe.

    2. A back hoe would certainly reduce the physical effort required in the shoot, shovel, and shut up operation. I myself lean toward a wood chipper and catfish pond.

  2. ERJ, as a general note I am enjoying the planks of The Garden Party series. Would that real political parties took such pains to clearly enunciate their planks with positions and proposals.

  3. In Houston ( and a LOT of other places) Judges decided that it was unfair that people on high bail ( which the murders , rapists and thieves deserved IF they were guilty) was too high. The average ( presumed innocent) couldnt make that bail. So they lowered it , often by a lot !! They missed a few things that seemed obvious to me. If, as per the Constitution the people were given a SWIFT trial by peers instead of one that often happens 9-24 months after arrest...being in jail while innocent would SUCK but not be beyond fair . Also , if you are already out on ( greatly reduced) bail....thats your one gift from the justice system. Anyone can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Be totally innocent of all charges. If it keeps are probably guilty of one or more charges and seriously NEED to be locked up until trial. Saddly many people currently are commiting multiple crimes and yet getting let out on bail again and again. To hell with the victims ! Sigh

  4. Sorry,not directly on topic, however, the Garden Party should read the April 2004 issue of Imprimus regarding New Zealands government reforms.
    Dennis the librarian shusher


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