Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Slate melts down because Washington Post is not immune to market pressures

 "...it is so profoundly depressing that, instead of just opening his  checkbook to bankroll one of the best newspapers in the world, he (Bezos) has chosen to install a CEO who seems determined to prove his mettle by implementing a slew of disruptive and imprecise “turnaround” ideas..."      Source

Who defines "best newspaper"?  Justin Peters doesn't seem to think it should be the readers. That is decidedly awkward for a paper that used to be proud of how "smart" and successful its readership was. Did the readership base suddenly get stupid or did they get weary of the endless woke-scolding where EVERY article included three paragraphs explained why Global Warming and Racism and lack of Equity and Diversity caused     fill-in-the-blank     ?

Paying customers left because The Washington Post became the Watchtower/AWAKE!* of the DIE and Global Warming cults and stopped writing articles that most people wanted to read.

Peters lives in a bubble. Journalists vomiting tropes and repeatedly-repetitive-ad nauseam drivel that nobody reads is not "great journalism". It is being a paid shill, a circus barker. Dare I say it? It could be done by pulling random buzz-word bingo balls out of the spinner and still be more readable than what the Washington Post morphed into.

*My apologies to the Jehovah Witnesses.


  1. Wow. Just Wow. I read the article. Essentially, the author's belief is that newspapers exist to serve no-one but those that work for them and that nebulous "public good" that is undefined but generally seems to lean in a single direction.

    As to the cry of "Give us more money", thousands of small businesses that have gone out of business due to Amazon or Wal-Mart or any other major chain hear your cry - and move on. The Bell tolls for thee this time.

    1. Punchline in the last paragraph:

      "A man who spends $42 million to build a dumbass clock inside a mountain can afford to subsidize the Washington Post in perpetuity. It is frankly absurd that any single person gets to have as much money as Bezos has, anyway. In a functional polity, an individual fortune this large would be taxed for the public benefit. In the real world, owning and subsidizing the Washington Post is Jeff Bezos’ tax. The fact that he refuses to pay it is the most depressing news of all."

      To quote a line on the InterWeb, "The Universe does not own you a living" - Seneca, probably

    2. It is always a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you ... said no one ever. Haven't the "journalists" heard of that?

      Phil B

  2. The paper is floundering so do nothing except give them more money. Do not fix issues, do not fix content, dear God do not change personnel. Just send more money.
    Sounds like every budget hearing for federal / state/ local government.

  3. I Love Jeff's company Amazon!

    I loathe his spending on left endeavors.

    However, he earned his money. I respect that.


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