Thursday, June 6, 2024



I never understood the attraction of exceptionally large ones, but to each their own.

Most people lack the flexibility to pull this off

EYE-BLEACH!!!! Where is the eye-bleach?
Again, I don't understand the attraction but this is what several commenters suggested to "spice up" the blog and attract more viewers.


  1. That light colored one in the pink halter is really cute.

  2. We had a pink wild one for a few years. My mesican spouse named him Gringo.

  3. You forgot the "T" part but things are fine now so please continue on as is. ---ken

  4. The gap needs that team.Woody

  5. We have a donkey named Pinto. It shares a 2.5 acre pasture (divided into 3 for rotation) with two cows. It was purchased to take care of some shrubbery the cows would not touch. It is also a designated protector of them - dog packs learned to keep a wide distance from that mouth and hooves.

  6. There was a young girl from Madras
    Who had a magnificent ass
    It was not, as you think
    All pretty and pink
    It was grey, had long ears and ate grass.

  7. It took me until the end to get the joke, but then I laughed rather too hard. Thanks for the Friday levity.


Readers who are willing to comment make this a better blog. Civil dialog is a valuable thing.