Wednesday, March 13, 2024

New Blogging Camera

Violets. Viola odorata. Not a native species but much more fragrant than North American species.

Flower buds on European Plum Gras Romanesc

Bitter Cress?

Buds on Asian Pear Chojuro

From left-to-right, Kale, Turnips, Rutabaga

Close-up of rutabagas. I am inclined to let these go to seed.

View of the potato patch

A bird box where a field mouse took up residence. The nesting material looks odd.

Deer hair!

Right-midground, potato patch. Right foreground kale-turnips-rutabagas. Left, 2024 corn patch. Background, pasture.

Onion seedlings. Chive clippings scattered on surface in a feeble hope of fooling robins to leave seedlings alone.

AuRubrum plum grafted on purple-leaf plum.

Overlooking Mrs ERJ's 2024 kitchen garden. Green foreground is garlic, green mid-ground is turnip cover-crop.



  1. Pulled a mouse's nest out of the tractor engine bay yesterday! Used it a week ago, WTF?!
    The wren has made my fuel-shed his home this year... Blue Birds are fighting over which house they want to nest in. Little-brown bat has started making appearances in the twilight as well! Ahh, Spring!

  2. Deer hair used for nest - was an animal processed in a nearby location ? Mice will use anything they can move to build their nests.

    1. Road-killed deer across the street on my neighbor's property.


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