Saturday, March 30, 2024

Still here

Easter falls on our youngest son's birthday this year. The next time it happens will be 2086.

Mrs ERJ and I agreed that the next time it happens, Kubota can host us.


I made the first six grafts for this year, all plums.

It seems a bit early but I had the itch.

Good News

Handsome Hombre has a new job. Great pay. An hour commute.

Not such good news

Quicksilver has a cold.

It is rank speculation, but I wonder if high Covid mortality rates in older people might be related to lack of exposure to snot-nosed kids. I am not trying to be funny.

The "common cold" is a swarm of hundred(s) of viruses with similar symptoms. Some of them are "Covid" family virus. Getting regular exposure to the "common cold" could conceivably provide protection against other Covid-type virus.

Vaccines were conceptualized when it was noticed that milk-maids who had cow-pox at some point in their lives were immune to small-pox. Cow-pox might injure your complexion but small-pox can kill you.

It would be interesting to see a regression of Covid mortality numbers vs birth-rate...that is, if we could trust anybody's numbers.

Colds do not scare me.


I received word that one of my nieces intends to be married at the end of September. She wants purple and white flowers.

White flowers can be dyed. Late-September screams "chrysanthemums".

Does anybody know of any sources of cuttings for "football" type mums, preferably white or purple?

I was given an assignment.

Have a blessed Easter/Passover!!!


  1. Wishing you and yours a Blessed Easter Joe. May God Bless.---ken

  2. Blessings to you and yours good Sir!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Kubota

  4. Regular exposure to a wide range of minor viral pathogens gives the immune system "practice". Making it better at handling things it doesn't see routinely. I've been an x ray tech for 47 years. I routinely see patients with all manner of respiratory viral illnesses. I have never had influenza and rarely get any type of upper respiratory infection of any kind. Because I am exposed to them routinely my immune system is capable of handling them easily. Small kids, especially those in school are a reservoir for all manner of minor viruses. Being around them will challenge your immune system...and that is generally a positive unless you have an underlying immunosuppressive illness.

  5. Seems a little early in your neck of the woods to be grafting.
    Most of my experience is with pecans and they have to have the sap flowing to get a decent results.
    But good luck with the plums.

  6. (cowpox) .. hence the name "vaccine". from the latin for cow.


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