Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Quicksilver Morning Play-list

We settled into a morning routine.

I hand Quicksilver her bottle and she marches over to the Official ERJ Blogging Recliner.

I settle down into the recliner and pick her up.

Then I play the following three songs for her.



Man on Fire

Overall, these are upbeat songs with decent messages. Yes, I know one of them includes "...fell on your ass..." and another line declares that " you more than Jesus Christ..." but that is probably accurate for most people who are newly in love.

Don't be hating on me. It beats the snot out of turning on the news first thing in the morning.


  1. No hate here, ERJ. I did not know the last two songs (but they seem nifty), but Starshine I know. And sing, sometimes.

  2. Sounds like a good plan to me! Hope she is all over the drizzles for a long while.

    1. Yeah. She flipped right-side up on Wednesday.

      She is now as right as rain and a bit spoiled because she was held and cuddled with so much.

  3. Its a blessing you get to spend such cherished time with your grandchild! God is good!

  4. I cherish & look forward to spending time with my 21 month old grandson. Usually once a week. I have no problem dropping any planned activities if I have too.

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