Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Fishing Report

Shotgun finally broke his streak of not-catching-fish.

By my figuring, this dogfish/bowfin is $4.28 long. Note to those who care, we marked the handle of the net to capture the length of the fish and then measured the length from the handle. Clerks (and dancers ;-) ) look at you funny if you hand them a slimy dollar bill.

I caught two fish that were much, much smaller.

Bluegills are in shallow, on the beds. The predators know where the easy meals are.

Shotgun favors big baits and big hooks. He likes to use cut-bait and thinks the front 1/3 of a 6" bluegill is about perfect.

Random observation

The sensation one gets when a tick is navigating upward along one's leg is a tickle. Do you suppose that is where the word came from?


  1. I have never before heard of incremental dollar enumerations to measure fish, but 100% approve of this method.

    1. At first, I thought that was how much the bait cost.

  2. I thought this may interest you because of previous propagations you have completed.

  3. Do you eat the Dogfish/Bowfin ?

    1. I have not personally eaten dogfish although if I were hungry I would certainly let Mrs ERJ try a few bites.

    2. Wow, are you sure the misses doesn't read your blog, friend?

    3. "No person who enjoys eating sausage or respects the law should ever see either being made." Attributed to Basil Brown.

      Sometimes it is a kindness to not see the process your food goes through before it lands on your plate. Maybe after eating it...and enjoying it, it can be tolerated.

      Would you have ever eaten a hotdog if you knew it was chicken skin, rooster lips, hog rectums and bull scrotums?

    4. I would have never eaten Saumagan if I had known ahead of time what was in it. Hog intestines with onions, potatoes and mushrooms made into a patty and covered with a brown gravy. It was so tasty, it would make you slap your Mama.

  4. My wife and I fish from our kayaks. She hooked a 24" one that towed her around for about twenty-five minutes.

  5. Ive caught them when we lived in Michigan, we didn't eat it either. If I recall correctly the meat is very red.

  6. Joe - still can’t believe you are passing up bluegills on the beds (easy protein harvest) for dogfish…


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