Saturday, June 8, 2024

Catching up on my chores


I was involved in an accident two years ago and the Emergency Room had to cut my wedding band to remove it from my finger (which was swelling). They had to cut it in two places to be able to open it up enough to slide it off my finger.

The plan has always been to repair or replace it with one with a similar design but task kept not-getting-done. I consulted with the lovely Mrs ERJ and asked if she would be OK with my purchasing a simple replacement (as a place holder) until that task floated up to the top of the pile.

She said "Sounds like a good idea."

So, for the last few days I have been sporting a simple, silver band on my left ring-finger. As hoped for, I have not been assaulted by any vamps vampires, herwolves werewolves, gold-diggers grave-diggers, witches or undead since putting on the ring.

It might be the best $16 I ever spent.

Quicksilver is taking a short summer vacation

Quicksilver and her family are taking a short summer vacation. They are checking out Gaylord, Michigan.

Southern Belle asked us to keep her awake so she could take her afternoon nap on the trip north. It was a chore to keep her from nodding off but she got her second wind and both Mrs ERJ and I got extra exercise chasing her around the house.

QS is getting more confident in talking and occasionally pops out some word that I wasn't expecting. We were listening to a counting song on a video and she knew when to sing "eight" which surprised me. 


More rain is expected this evening. It will be a good day to stick plants into the ground and drive tomato stakes.

Lucky referenced "the Florida Weave" method of supporting tomato plants. An article can be found HERE on the method. I am not sure how well it will work for me, the varieties I am growing are indeterminate varieties.


I have been nominated to help move more furniture this weekend. I guess I did not break enough pieces last week.


  1. You're a good man. For fun I followed the ring link. Amazons' descriptions are often amusing. For a simple silver ring they describe white gold, cubic zirconium and oh, silver.

  2. You must be quite the Studly Hunk if you have to wear the wedding ring to keep all the girls from hitting on you. ---ken

    1. Its the demographics. Women live longer than men. Women usually take better care of themselves and are most of them are in better-shape.

      We have one, 65-year-old single man at church and at least two (and perhaps as many as four) widows/single-women are batting their eyes at him.

      My job is to keep one woman happy and I am just starting to get the hang of it.

  3. I am trying the cattle-panel-arch method of growing tom's this year... It looks very promising for indeterminate varieties.

    1. It’s worked very well for me for the past couple of years. My concern is that it’s a relatively permanent emplacement and growing tomatoes in the same place over and over again invites disease.

  4. I got married for the second time to a never dated or married 43 year old woman(Why no one pursued her is beyond me) We got simple gold bands and I wore mine faithfully and one Saturday I was working on her truck and I had my ring off and she she became very concerned and upset. I had to tell her when you are working on vehicles, moving parts, fencing, working livestock(we had a small goat farm) the ring comes off as well as the watch. I asked her if she would prefer to keep my finger so I can slip the ring back on when I was finished with the task at hand, or lose a finger or two and wear the ring around my neck on a chain or on the other hand. She understood the logic and was relieved, the ring always went back on when finished.

  5. I know where you live, ( it's in your title).
    The women take better care of themselves???
    Man I was at a street fair last night and I'm shocked that they could look better and be more fit there than here.
    My, my, they don't seem to take care of themselves at all.
    And the kids and youth were as bad or worse.

  6. Rings are dangerous when working on 'anything'...

  7. The best $50 I ever spent was a tattoo wedding band. Almost 20 years later, and Mrs. still appreciates it.


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