Saturday, June 1, 2024

About THAT verdict

I am trying to look a little deeper than the obvious with regard to the NYC verdict against President Trump.

Things are happening very rapidly and there are eddies and turbulence and rip-tides at much deeper levels than I have information about.

The layer I CAN see suggests that the Democrats stepped into a mess of their own making.

Weak people who dislike guard-dogs throw rocks at them, usually from other side of the fence. Dogs can jump fences. Dogs chase people who run.

People who are fearful* become magnets for the things they are afraid of. Women who are terrified of being hurt by men seem to attract that kinds of "man". People who are fearful of being conned out of their life-savings attract con-men.

For those who say "Elections don't matter" I ask, "Why are the Democrats trying so many unprecedented things to win this one if elections don't matter?"

Looking at my sphere-of-influence 

  • I have my family.
  • I have frequent talks with God. Sometimes I even remember to listen.
  • So far I am pretty healthy in spite of normal wear-and-tear and a bit more pain in the morning.
  • I have a garden and a dog and various means of harvesting meat.
  • I have this blog and I have the deepest respect for you, my readers.
  • I have a truck and a chainsaw that work.
  • My neighbors are tolerable.
  • I am not broke.

I am not going to get into a dither about the things I cannot control. I am going to try to avoid blathering about things I know nothing about.

*This note added later: In many cases people CREATE what they fear most by their maladaptive responses. Afraid he will get physical...establish dominance by needling and insulting him and sabotaging his ego and telling lies about him (and so on and so-forth)


  1. There is wisdom in a thinking man's silence:

    The quieter you become the more you are able to hear.

    Saying nothing sometimes says the most.

    A fool is known by his speech, and a wise man by silence.


    More time spent doing something about things you CAN Affect is very wise.

    Have you set up a bit of non-grid electricity and secondary means of safe water, friend?

    Even a large tarp and a water barrel (cheap around here for screw top barrels) with some pebbles and 550 cord can be emergency water. A 1/4 inch rainfall on SNIP:

    Calculate the Roof Area:

    The area of your tarp is 20 feet × 20 feet = 400 square feet.

    Estimate Rainwater Collection:

    For every 1 inch of rain, you can collect approximately 0.623 gallons of water per square foot of surface area1.
    Multiply the tarp area by the average rainfall (in inches) for your location to find the total collected amount: Amount Collected (gallons)=Roof Area (ft2)×Rainfall Amount (in)×0.623

    So, 400 square feet X .25 X.623= 60+ gallons.

    If the tarp is clean and your not in a fallout scenario I'd have little concerns about using that water.

  2. Whether Trump was found guilty or innocent does not change Joe Biden performance whatsoever. The Question is becoming - DO YOU WANT JOE BIDEN TO REMAIN IN OFFICE THE NEXT FOUR YEARSOR NOT.

    1. FYI - The Wyoming democrat party (I suspect in lock-step nationally) states exactly that - “We need to find a way to maintain our current direction so we can elect Joe Biden,” Bloomberg said. “We cannot afford another four years of Trump.”

  3. My only worry is the destruction of the rule of law.

  4. The left is evil, not stupid....although many of their sycophants are morons. The criminals behind this farce knew what would happen when the preordained verdict came back. They simply don't care. They are IN CHARGE and have absolutely zero intentions on allowing us to remove them from that position. They blatantly stole the election in 2020...and got away with it.
    Only a fool would think they won't do it again. They literally own every single mechanism tasked with holding them accountable. Meaning they will never be held accountable.
    We are in a post constitutional clown world society. Plan and prep accordingly.

  5. >I am not going to get into a dither about the things I cannot control.
    People say that, but of course it's not exactly true, is it? We could have run for office, or went into a profession that leads into .gov, or one of the millions of Dept. jobs, or an institutional lobbyist.
    We CHOOSE not to have influence. We have CHOSEN to be voiceless and at the whims of the EPA and etc.
    Maybe we just need a few more abuses and usurpations?

    1. Hindsight dear BK is wonderful, every Barcalounger sports ball fool has it in spades.

      We are HERE NOW. How about some thoughts on what to DO NOW. I mentioned a few in my first comment.

  6. “We live in a country where 1/3 of the country wants to kill the other 1/3, and the remaining 1/3 will stand around and watch…”

  7. All too Historically true and sad Filthie, just a bit too blunt for most to fully accept.

    And the last 3rd doesn't know history that they are NEXT for the gulag.


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