Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1, 2024 garden notes

Handsome Hombre gave me a list of what he wanted to grow in his garden. His job demands make it hard for him to get it planted and he doesn't seem to mind if I throw the plants and seeds into the ground for him.

Part of the clump that self-seeded

This is what old men feel like when they don't stay hydrated

Today saw a row of Pontiac Red potatoes go in and a row of Red Russian kale seedlings that volunteered.

I have Summer Dance cucumbers started as well as assorted greens.

In my garden I planted a bunch of onion seedlings. Ooof! That is hard on the back.

It was a good day for moving seedlings. Very little sun loading and high humidity...and the kale still wilted. Rain expected tonight. It will recover.

I did some maintenance on some cheap, Chinesium shovels. I replaced these tiny brads that joined the handle and the blade with a through-rivet on two shovels, and then coated the handles with linseed oil.

Dortmund Rose.

Miscellaneous meme

Pictures taken Sunday morning after about 0.3" of rain

The kale perked up nicely.


  1. Looks like a good selection, ERJ. Kale is something I have never tried, mostly because I detest it.

    That meme is spot on.

    1. According to Senator John Kennedy (from the Great State of Louisiana) "Kale tastes like I'd rather be hungry."


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