Tuesday, July 16, 2024

No Fine Art Tuesday today

Blogger platform is still hating-on-me. I am unable to post images.


  1. Hearing the Blogger issues across several sites like yours friend.

    Maybe the Blogger will reset.

  2. Speaking of art, do you think President Trump sees the world differently this morning?

    1. One of the reasons terriers will go down a dark-hole and fight with badgers, raccoons, woodchucks...get their face torn off and still keep fighting is because they have been selected for their on-off rage-reaction. Once the rage-reaction is flipped on, they feel no pain, feel no fear.

      I have never had the honor of breaking bread with President Trump, but I believe that he has much in common with terriers. He goes down into the hole and seeks battle.

      If I had to guess...and I would only be guessing...I would guess that his rage will have hardened his resolve.

      Your opinions will likely vary.

  3. Probably right, but I was speaking of the way a sunflower is put together, a leaf uncurls, the water seeks level....
    You know, Art.

  4. ERJ, I have been having the same issue. The only way I found to upload pictures is through Google, but even it will not accept videos at this point. Those I have to do directly from phone via Ghostery.

    This has been an on again/off again problem for Blogger. I keep wondering when Google will simply stop supporting the platform.


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