Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Still kicking

As you might have guessed, I am attempting to walk 65 miles (my age) in a reasonably short amount of time.

Today was a short day at five miles. I had people to transport, cargo to deliver, lawn to mow, weeds to spray.

Some of the weeds fought back. I was using loppers to cut Autumn Olive and then spraying the fresh stumps with herbicide. Some of the thorns took exception to my advances. As the pundits sometimes say "The situation was fluid."

I was so frazzled I forgot to pack my fishing rod so Shotgun got all of the action down at the lake.

I really don't know how people who have jobs blog.


  1. Damn
    Cut a big ice of aloe vera
    And pour yourself a shot of Scotch

  2. Slice foolish spellck

  3. Happy Independence Day to all of you.

  4. Blackberries this morning. Both my arms will be bloodied, ticks will feast.
    Ahhh, the trials of mountain berry wine!

  5. Personally I would claim it was a dueling scar. Much more manly

    1. The problem with that is these days many people don't know what dueling is.

  6. You did it for God and Country, Joe. It's fitting to shed a little blood on Independence Day. Happy 4th all.

  7. We learn to stash it into an inviolate time at some point of the day (mine is the morning). The downside is that the quality is not all that good all the time.

    Hats off to a great goal!

  8. "65 miles in a reasonable time" As in a five day week ? Or a longer period of time ? It does sound like a great goal, especially when carrying a small load on back (25 lbs, more or less). Where do you find the time to hike that long though.

    Pruning does have its hazards. Thorns in the glove, scratches from hauling cuttings to burn pile. Using a pitchfork to carry small cuttings seems to me the easiest way to get it done without getting scratched up. Lining up stems and wrapping with hay cord to pull away for the larger stuff.


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