Saturday, July 6, 2024

Civil Disobedience

Some people I know estimated the Level-of-Cheat in Michigan during the 2020 election to be on the order of 6%.

That "cheat" supposedly came from many sources: Ballot stuffing, absentee-ballot fraud, software manipulation and so-on.

Admittedly, this is just a partial solution, but if voters turned on Geo (which adds GPS coordinates to the EXIF file embedded within the image file) and took a picture of their ballot before feeding it into the reader...then it would be pretty easy to audit. The EXIF file automatically logs the time-date.


The image would have the What (ballot, ballot number, how the vote was intended), Where (GPS coordinates), When (when the image was snapped), Who (email address of the person who sent it in to the auditors).

The "Civil Disobedience" comes into play because many polling places prohibit photography. Even of your own ballot (and just your ballot). Even before you turn it in.

Anticipating an over-reaction on the part of poll-workers, it would be ideal if the images were booted to the cloud as soon as they were taken.

Imagine 10,000 patriots in prison. Imagine 10,000 images proving beyond a shadow of the doubt that somebody cooked-the-books and NOT short-stopped on devices.

Three hots-and-a-cot and all the carnal-knowledge you can stand (maybe more). 

Worth it?


  1. Evidence and "proof" were not short here in Georgia, most especially Fulton County, in 2020. Nothing happened. If they want the same in 2024, nothing has changed that will prevent the exact same outcome.

    1. Yeah, agreed... Dinesh D'souza did that 2000 mules documentary proving the fraud. Crickets. PA paid to have 1.3 million ballots printed, they counted 1.5... what good does proof do you?
      This is what TINVOWOOT means. People need to grok that. They will by November I believe.

    2. Were any of those challenges dismissed due to "no standing"?

      That is, did the judge toss the challenge because the person bringing was not able to show damages to himself or his client?

      Not statistics. Direct, straight-line, THIS person was denied their vote and here is the proof.

    3. I get your point... but Texas had a very good argument that their citizens were harmed by the voting fraud perpetrated at the federal level, supreme court refused to hear due to no-standing. That's just a legal loophole they're using to avoid touching the subject.
      This whole topic, while laudable, is predicated on there still being an actual rule of law in this country. If this proves otherwise, then what? 10,000 people are in jail, right next to the J6 demonstrators who thought the rule of law and 1st amendment protected them. Whoops.


      We didn't vote our way into it, we're not voting out of it.

      Why do people STILL cling to the notion that's going to work? They tried to kill you with a shot they forced everyone to take, Jesus, what more do you need to see to prove to you these commies mean business? Oh look Martha, there's the boxcar, I'll be damned!

  2. Your idea works, but only if every single person does it.

    Otherwise it is futile.
    Thing is, as pointed out above, even demonstrating fraud isn't enough, the courts have to force the recount or audit to happen, and they chose not to las time, Why do you think they would care to look this time?

    You know, and I know, and anyone with two working neurons knows that the election was rigged last time. Half think it was OK because they got the result they wanted (not realizing that next time it could happen to their side) and the other half were ignored by the courts and the press.

  3. Is it worth it?

    Ask the January 6th folks.

    Not even Civil Disobedience but the "Right to peaceably assembly " and its charged as Insurrection and such.

    Assuming that the Rule of Law and Bill of Rights is valid in today's Lawfare is hazardous to you, your family and anybody in your cellphone list.


    1. Insurrection - Wasn't that a hoot. When the mockingbird media first started saying that, I thought wow - that's a strange word to use. Then, later, all was revealed, when years later, "they" pulled out and obscure part of law, prohibiting Insurrectionist from holding office. Well played that.

  4. The people doing this won’t stop. Historically they have to BE stopped. You would be playing a game with crooked players on their game board, and that only ends one way.

    Now if some of these cheaters were to be shot for their malfeasance…that might make the others sit up and take notice. Or it could start a bloody civil war too.

  5. We have evidence of more people voting in Wayne County than are registered to vote. Crickets.
    Jocelyn Benson has been found by the courts to have operated the vote illegally. Crickets.

    1. Civil suits have lower standards of proof. If the margin-of-cheat was 6% and 10,000 people had documented their ballots with a photo, that is 600 people who were defrauded of their right to vote.

      At a $1.0M damages each, that would leave a mark...

  6. Good idea in theory, except for the reality that EXIF information can be added/deleted/removed at will and the tampering is undetectable. Since paper ballots themselves are not serialized (at least not in my state), simple enough to manufacture a 'picture' showing the outcome one wants with EXIF stamps randomized or set as one wants.


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