Saturday, July 20, 2024

Instagram cancelling US Paralympics Team

Instagram is deplatforming the US Paralympics Shooting Team.

At this time, the US Paralympics team is still supported by X.

Vote with your eyeballs.

Punishing less-abled people who use technology to level the playing-field is subhuman. It shows everybody with a brain that you are living in your own universe and are not competent enough to deal with reality.

Don't let the morons make your choices. They crap in their own mess-kit and then want you to give them yours.


  1. impedes our ability to foster a safe community.

    These Gutless Assholes don't Want safe communities. If they did,they'd have figured out that where the most gun control exists is also where the most people are getting SHOT. Talk about being
    Unamerican. If idiots like that existed back when the settlers were loading their wagons and heading West they would have protested and petitioned The Government to stop them.


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