Friday, July 12, 2024

Nettles, gooseberries, okra, etc...


I was trying to catch up on weeding after playing hooky for a week and walking. I ran into nettles. Can you feel the tingle?


Layering is pretty easy. I scraped down into the chipped bark mulch until I hit moist, semi-decomposed bark. I stripped the leaves from the mid-sections of the shoots and then covered the mid-sections with grass-clippings to keep the stems dark and moist. I used bricks to weight them down.

So far I have four different gooseberry cultivars in a horse-race and several plants moved from-the-wild. The run-away most vigorous grower is Tixia (aka: Ribes uva-ursi x 'Rafzvicta'). The shoots are rampant and weepy. That makes them easy to layer.


The first two okra pods were harvested yesterday. 

School ID cards

I was at the local grocery store and saw a card on the ground. Thinking that perhaps it was something I had dropped, I picked it up.

It was an ID card for a fourth grade student at the local intermediate school.

I don't know if every school does this, but I thought it was a high-value use for the space on the back of the card.

Mile number 65 completed today


  1. Replies
    1. I agree.

      It could be worse. At least you know INSTANTLY when you are in nettles and don't wipe your backside with them.

  2. A definite bane of weeds. Congratulations on mile 65!
    You all be safe and God bless.


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