It was everybody's expectation that when Anti-Skid Braking became standard equipment in virtually all US automobile production, that there would be a large drop in traffic accidents.
It did not happen.
Drivers normalized-the-risk in the sense that their driving habits changed such that the overall gain from ABS technology was absorbed by driving more quickly on slippery surfaces and leaving less space between the vehicle with ABS and the vehicle in front of it.
There was virtually no gain from going from zero air-bags to one-to-two to a half-dozen. The big gain was from mandatory seat-belt wearing and baby-seats.
Similar things happen with drugs. A person who is struggling to control their blood-sugar goes on metformin or some other drug...and some of them don't show the improvement that was expected. They "swooned" and said "Catch me, catch me..." and stopped watching their diets or exercising.
Ditto for statins.
The reason I bring this up
This is a giddy time for conservatives. It is pretty easy to just assume that things will turn out fine because we ended up with the more conservative of the two candidates.
But the cold reality is that a lot of can-kicking is running out of road in the next four years.
Eaton County Sheriff's department eliminated their midnight shift of parols a couple of years ago and is eliminating their second-shift in the November-December 2024 time-frame. They are staggering the start of their day-shift so they have twelve hours of coverage from 6:00AM-to-6:00PM. But if the SHTF after 6:01PM, we will have to wait until a State Trooper shows up.
The primary driver in this is the unfunded healthcare liabilities for early retirees. According to Unfunded Michigan Eaton County has $60.4M in projected healthcare benefits and $10.1M in assets to cover those benefits for a funding ratio of 16.7%.
Let me point out the obvious: Public sector employees retiring after 25 years can be "pulling" $23,000 in healthcare benefits a year from age 45-to-65 AND NOT WORKING.
Another point that should be obvious is that retirees are not dues-paying-members of the union and don't get to vote on the contract. The cost of those generous benefits are causing voting union members to be laid-off. That will create an interesting tension.
Another source of tension is that legal action must be initiated at the county level and the judges are employees of the county and get benefits from the county. They are very unlikely to recuse themselves due to conflict-of-interest. It seems improbable that judges close to retirement will support changes in contractual language that cuts benefits to retirees (even if they are renegotiated every contract cycle).
In the summer, keep at least forty pounds of ice cubes in your freezer. That way you can keep the home intruders' remains from putrefying overnight while you wait for the cops to show up to collect evidence and take a report.