Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Logic behind Reparations

The logic behind reparations

Bonus meme

Bonus bonus meme

What the heck. Might as well go for broke...


  1. I have made $200 reliably in one day.That was my ideal day in my life and my boss was to a great degree content with me. CNN is additionally awed from my work and is outstandingly happy..check also unpretentious parts by open the affiliation and tap on HOME TECH OR MEDIA.πŸ’ΈπŸ’°

    See.... 𝐖­­π°­π°­.­­π­­πš­­π²­­π¬­­πŸ•­­­­πŸ•­.­­­π‚­π¨­π¦

    1. CNN!!! That is very impressive? Was it in regards to your fine work in Springfield?


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