Friday, September 20, 2024

Martial Law as it might be applied by the Progressives

In spite of conservative's fears of blue-helmeted thugs going door-to-door to collect tools needed for self-sufficiency and for self-defense, I DON'T think that is what the Progressive's most common implementation of Martial Law will look like.

May I humbly submit that we saw Progressive, Martial Law in the recent past. One definition of Martial Law reads: 

The law imposed on an occupied territory by occupying military forces. 

The Antifa camps in Portland and other cities and the pro-Palestinian occupations of college campuses this past year were arguably Martial-Law administered by Progressive proxies.

Not convinced? Military and law enforcement personnel are allowed a great deal of latitude and vastly diminished accountability during Martial-Law. Civil rights like freedom of passage and freedom from search-and-seizure are suspended. There are very few checks-and-balances on their actions and they can act with near-impunity. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

From the Progressive perspective, those adventures worked great and had very little blow-back and I would expect them to double-down.


  1. Joe, I seriously wonder if you know just what you’re dealing with here. Martial law? Ye gods, man! Every time those guys turn around, they are telling you in English, with no room to misinterpret what they intend. They hate you, they want to kill you and take all your shite. How much proof do people need to see?

    Historically when these types get revved up, the death toll goes into the millions. That is how these guys roll. There will be no prepping, no escape to the country to plant gardens and live off the land. Food is a political weapon these guys used to execute entire generations and communities. First they impose mass impoverishment (they’re doing that now), and then the starvation and famines start. If you have food, money, weapons or anything they can use, they’ll take it from you. If they can’t make you submit they’ll go after your wife and kids.

    Once they’re finished with the likes of you - then they start culling and purging their own useful idiots - that are no longer useful. Stolen elections? Pozzed, corrupt institutions and managerial class…? These guys are just getting started. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

    It’s too late now to voat your way out.

  2. Don't forget that the news emphasized the areas that local government let progressives get away with murder and worse.
    There were a bunch of jurisdictions where they didn't get away with anything that didn't make the news - to me, this represents more of the country than the relatively few high profile places that made the news.


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