Monday, December 19, 2022

Heller and Shannon: Mandated Reporter

The owner of the company that operated the float trips did not arrive at the campground until 6:30 in the morning, two-and-a-half hours after the kurfluffle. He brought a side-kick with him.

Ce’Diff’s and her tent-mate’s wounds had been thoroughly washed out sprayed with disinfectant. Ce’Diff demanded that the owner transport her to the nearest hospital and informed him that he was going to pay for the treatment.

While Ce’Diff was vociferously demanding what she saw as her rights, the side-kick was taking photos of the wounds and then of the inside of the tent.

“What the hell is HE doing?” Ce’Diff demanded to know.

“He is the company’s legal counsel” the owner told her. “It is pretty clear from the pattern of puncture marks on your hand that one of the raccoons bit you and my attorney is documenting that fact.”

“Well, he can’t take any photos of the inside of my tent without my permission!” Ce’Diff declared. Like hell she was going to let him take pictures of the empty fried potato-skin bags and other junk-food.

The owner scratched his head. Not that it itched but because it gave him time to think and to assess the other person.

“Ma-am, my attorney has a very sharp legal mind and he wrote the agreement and waivers that you signed before you joined this trip. You already GAVE us permission to take photos and use them for any purpose” the owner told her.

“The other thing is that I am a mandated reporter by West Virginia State law when there is a credible potential exposure to rabies” the owner told her. “I am afraid that I have to report this to the West Virginia Department of Health and they will communicate it to your home-state.”

Ce’Diff started to have second thoughts. “ mean like Ol-Yeller?”

“Exactly. But you don’t need to worry. There is a series of vaccinations that you will be given so you won’t get it” the owner reassured her.

Ce’Diff HATED shots.

“I won’t HAVE to take them, will I?” she asked.

“’Fraid so, ma-am. It is a matter of public health. Your insurance company is likely to cancel your policy if you don’t take them. In some states, they might even lock-you up to ensure you take them. Folks take rabies very, very seriously” the owner said.

The owner and the attorney dropped off Ce’Diff and her tent-mate at the hospital Emergency Room a scant 60 minutes by road from the park. Unable to determine Ce’Diff’s vaccination status they shot her up with everything that she might be lacking. That included the first-of-four rabies vaccinations. Then they gave her a whacking big dose of antibiotics.

Ce’Diff called the owner after being discharged from the hospital. She demanded that he provide transportation and lodging for the night.

“’Fraid I can’t do that” the owner told her. “My legal counsel told me that offering any more help than what is outlined in the agreement that you signed might be seen as an admission of responsibility.”

“According to that agreement, you agreed to take full responsibility for transportation and lodging in the event you decided to terminate the trip early.”

“I was going back to town anyway, so it was no skin off my nose to drop you and your friend off at the hospital. I’d have done it for anybody ‘cause it didn’t cost me a dime.”

“But you are gonna have to call an Uber or a cab and figure out your own arrangements for the night” the owner told her before hanging up.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have given her a ride” the owner said to his attorney. They were having their morning coffee together.

“Nah. That’s OK. Like you said, we were going that way anyway” his brother-in-law and attorney told him.

The owner shook his head. “We gotta be careful with that one. Josh sent me some texts and said she is a real piece of work.”

“Then we just gotta treat her like she was anybody else” his attorney said as he broke open his bear-claw and spread it with extra butter.


Ce’Diff was not one to be trifled with. People were going to pay.

The “hospital” was small and shabby. The staff, while originally warm and cordial had turned cold and inhospitable. Ce’Diff almost wondered if they chose larger needles than were required.

Only one inn had internet. The rooms were small and smelled like cigarette smoke, cheap whiskey and romance-by-the-hour.

Ce’Diff didn’t know how Eldridge Klugman had arranged to have the raccoon attack her but she didn’t need to know HOW. It was enough to know that he somehow made it happen.

Life had been on an even, upward trend until she met him. Then it fell off a cliff.

She sprayed the keyboard of the “guest” computer in the lobby with disinfectant and started tapping away on the sticky keys. She was going to find and destroy Eldridge Klugman.

Nobody crossed Ce’Diff. Nobody.


  1. C-diff seems well described in Proverbs 18 and 19.

    18 1 An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends
    and against all sound judgment starts quarrels.

    2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding
    but delight in airing their own opinions

    A quandary how do you stop such abusive people from abusing others for pleasure and profit?

  2. Whats telling is I see shades of that character in ordinary people every day. Even myself if I were to be truthful. Perceived transgressions wether real or imagined, trigger our pride, an awful old sin. Like Michael above asks, how to deal with that facet peaceably?

  3. I think the problem old as time (see proverbs, Genesis and such for details) is that reasonable people are Peaceable, and the other folks abuse that situation.

    I doubt folks like C-diff ever faced the full response to their aggressions like "Destroying" lives.

  4. We sign waivers so often for everything now, people hardly give a second thought is in them. I often joke as I sign them, since with the things I do, "death/dismemberment/stabbing/blunt force trauma" are in almost anything. The reality that I think many people do not understand is signing a legal document really does mean signing many of your perceived "rights" away.

  5. Darlin'... LR lives in a totally different world than you do. HR doesn't exist, and your lame attempts to destroy him will probably put you in jail. Known location? Check! Fingerprints all over the keyboard? Check! False reports to the authorities? Check, check, and Check!. Girl, welcome to your own personally created hell.

    1. Yup, she doesn't realize she is in the real world now...

  6. The tent-mate's statement will also be interesting, but not in a good way for Ce’Diff..

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