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Monday, July 1, 2024

Kamala Harris

Imagine for a second that it is Monday morning.

You had a great weekend and came home at the last possible moment on Sunday night. You threw your laundry into the washing machine and crashed because you have a super-important presentation to TOP management first-thing Monday.

You awaken to find that the washing machine did not complete its cycle. Every last pair of skivvies you own are soapy and sopping wet. There is no way you can dry them in time, even if you use your microwave.

Panicking, you pillage through your drawers and find a gag-gift your buddies had given you: A pair of underwear briefs made of camel-hair, ostrich feathers and neoprene. 

You have to wear SOMETHING. It simply will not do to sweat-through your trousers in the region of your private parts. The CEO is a prudish, older woman who would NOT BE AMUSED.

You stare at the horrid joke for five minutes and out of desperation you think "Maybe it won't be all that bad."

Kamala Harris

That is the current situation many Democrats find themselves' facing with regard to Vice President Harris, a.k.a. Biden's Life Insurance Policy.

The thinking was that if you choose a VP that is so universally distasteful then nobody will be tempted to neutralize the sitting president.

They are faced with the realization that she is one, feeble heartbeat away from the Presidency. Not only that, but she would be heading the Democratic ticket (and by implication, being the coat-tails that is expected to drag countless, weaker Democrats down the ticket to victory).

V.P. Harris, a closer look

She is probably a ESTJ in Myers-Briggs* personality scoring.

Her "demon" is her inability to sense or care-about other people’s well-being and a blindness toward social harmony. Unable to feel it and having always been able to achieve her goals through other means, she is unable to emulate it or project it. Attempts to project empathy come across as wooden and fake.

Her second greatest weakness is a total refusal to accept intuition. She refuses to put any trust in advice that cannot be articulated in logical-rational terms. She is very uncomfortable with gut-feel. That is almost the polar opposite of President Donald J. Trump.

Her default mode of processing information is make decisions based on objective data, such as statistics, facts, and so forth. She make up her mind quickly, trusts her own judgment and like to call the shots.

ESTJs tend to be very loyal and pragmatic. The problem is that her loyalty is toward the people who advanced her career, not to the workers beneath her or the constituents who elected her. A secondary problem for her is that ESTJs cheerfully break as many eggs as they need to make an omelets.

*Myers-Briggs is popular but most of the descriptions read like Chinese Fortune Cookie scripts. They are vague enough that after-the-fact it seems to validate or "prove" that your buddy is...whatever you keyed them out as.

ESTJ are about 9% of the population and Hillary Clinton is a notable ESTJ.


  1. Objective, reason, logic are not terms I would use to describe her. Nor would she desire those qualities.
    Knowledge of her since being CA AG bear that out.

    1. "Do what I tells ya to do or I ain't gonna pull yer wagon no more" can be compelling logic.

    2. "Her default mode of processing information is make decisions based on objective data, such as statistics, facts, and so forth"
      No, that does not appear to be true and has not since she was placed in the office she currently holds now.

  2. She went from Slow Joe's biggest attacker in the primaries to Slow Joe's VP choice in less than 6 months. I found that very telling.

  3. One of the great losses to the system overall has been the viewing of the Vie President not as the potential back-up to the President, but as a vote-gatherer to shore up weak parts of the base. Individuals are not longer selected based on their potential to lead but on what boxes they check.

    If the whole thing were not so pathetic in terms of what this implies for the U.S. in the state of the world, it would be hilarious.

  4. They're stuck in a jam, but I have every confidence they'll find a slimy, disgusting, contemptible way out of it.

  5. Great leaders are seldom likeable and almost never "nice".
    Ole Grump.

  6. Daniel 4:17, Isaiah 3:12, Jeremiah 17:9.

    Go on, look those up.

  7. INTP here. Almost off the charts on the I. A terrible personality type for a politician. Fortunately I never wanted to be one.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This BS makes it out like Kameltoe actually HAS A BRAIN!!!

  10. Meyers-Briggs: astrology dressed up for the modern era, aka the psychology industry.

  11. Anyone stupid enough to believe Pedo Joe was viable as POTUS wil have zero issues with Kamala the Kommie.


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