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Monday, July 1, 2024

Reclaiming your power from people who "badger" or "pound" you

The person who relentlessly badgers you has already decided what you are going to do and they hound you like a Border Collie until you are in the pen...or the slaughterhouse.

They have the advantage of already planning this out. They know where it is going. They instinctively know that if you take the time to think things through that they will lose that advantage.

If you do get a breather and try to escape, they want you to provide them with enough details so they can start crowding you again.

The three magic phrases:

1: "That is an interesting proposition" or "That is an interesting question"

2: "Let me think about it" and maybe "The answer is an automatic NO! if you push"

3: "That doesn't work for me" and absolutely no more detail than that. The person who badgers has no interest in solving your problems for you. He is only interested in solving HIS problems and he only wants details so you can warp your reality to meet his needs.


  1. And be ready for the carpet bombing if this is the first time you do it. They don't stand being told NO at all.

  2. Their approach only works on a portion of individuals. Some of us smell this coming and depending on the source will volley with a gentle lob or a smashing spike. I think the lable for that some is "crusty old bastards".

  3. Did that this past weekend. It pissed her off, but shut her up!

  4. Can't get over the feeling that this guy sells time shares or used cars.

  5. I’ve got a favorite 2-word phrase that works surprisingly often.

  6. The word No can be a complete sentence. More people need to learn that fact.


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