Where the stories start...

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Mature Women have more men in their lives than Gen Z!!!

A recent survey by MSU* recently discovered that "Granny" has more men in her life than virtually all Gen Z women!

A typical woman who was born in the 1950s or early 1960s wakes up with Charlie Horse, spends most of the morning with Arthur Itis and the afternoon with Dr. Phil, dines with Ernest and Julio, studies the desert tray with Will Power and goes to bed with Ben Gay.

Eat your heart out, Emily and Hannah!

*Making Stuff Up University in East Lansing, Michigan

Dedicated to Anon in Southern New Hampshire and Annie in Ocala


  1. Hey, get away from my BenGay! Get yer own! :-)
    Southern NH

  2. No Herbees at all. Woody

  3. From a woman's point of view - Never had a leg cramp, Dr.Phil? TV program? E&J I assume is wine. Sour vinegar in my mouth. And I never pass up a dessert tray cause Life's short eat all the dessert you want. Streets in heaven are supposedly lined with gold but nobody has given any indication that there's a dessert tray.

  4. Would be if I hadn't mostly retired from that job.... I'm choosing poverty over pain atm! That 20,000-30,000 steps a day with rarely a break was for the younger lot.... I still go and work a few hours on occasion but mostly work on growing my food. On my schedule!


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