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Friday, September 13, 2024

Presented without comment



  1. The two ways to DO Broke.

    One Keep Writing Rubber Checks until they are finally proven worthless and ignored.

    AKA Hyperinflation to worthlessness. You're a "Billionaire" on the computer screen but you cannot buy a loaf of bread.

    Stop Spending, allow a collapse.

    Then Rebuild. After the ashes of the Angy Gimme Dats "mostly peaceful protests" cool down.

    The Gov.com prefers the hyperinflation with HOPES that a New Strong E-Dollar will "save the day" for them. That and I strongly suspect given the "slips of the tongue" elimination of useless seniors eating up all that "money". Canada's MAID service is coming, already in VT.

    MAID Medical Assistance In Dying.

    Orwell would be proud.

    Recovery of a nation state after full ON economic and social collapse has Never happened in all of history, but as they say, "this time it's different".

    1. Nopre, you're right, foregone conclusion.

  2. I noted an article today that said for the first time every, payment of the national debt now exceeds every expense except Social Security.

  3. And yet Social Security has money to pay for people who never paid in.

  4. From age 13 to 68 I worked and paid into SS. First paycheck, carhop for A&W, the owner explained every deduction and when I asked SS he explained I was outraged. I wanted MY money then not some mystical 52 years in the future!! I couldn't even imagine being 65, my heavens that's not happening to me that's for old people. And how fast the years have gone.

  5. Zerohedge reports


    AND these are OFFICIAL GAO numbers.

    That tells me the real numbers are worse given the "accuracy and revisions" of their other numbers.

    We need to quit insulting drunken sailors spending wildly. At least THEY STOP when their wallets are empty.


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