Where the stories start...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

From the comments

Frequent commenter Dan wrote:

The left can't afford to lose. They risk prison of they are removed from power. So they aren't going to allow Trump to win. They will do...anything to insure that they don't lose. Anything....including taking the current conflicts hot and using nukes. Nothing is off the table...

I am not able to read the future. I thought Felonius von Pantsuit was going to win in 2016 and I was wrong. I am very, very happy I was wrong...but I was wrong.

So even if it seems like a sure-thing...there is always a chance that God will step in and recalibrate the equipment.

Thinking in terms of probability-clouds

Maybe I am over-thinking this, but I like to visualize potential trajectories into the future as probability-density clouds. A path that has zero probability is a vacuum. A path that has a very high probability is a dense thunderhead with billowing clouds buttressing that path as minor events in history might cause minor deflections. Predictive ability is diluted farther into the future, so like charts of possible hurricane paths, the band gets wider and the peak probabilities get flatter.

The events Dan writes about are a greater than zero probability. "Cheating" is a 99.9999% probability. Rioting is a 98% probability. In the end, those details are less important than whether Harris is sworn in as POTUS or whether Trump or Vance is sworn in in 2025.

Even the most fervent Trump supporter is likely to admit that Harris prevailing, by whatever means, exceeds 35%. Because of the magnitude of the differences, that means that contingencies must be prepared for. After all, the difference between Trump and Harris are not like the differences between French Vanilla Ice Cream and plain Vanilla Ice Cream. To conservatives, it is the difference between a full plate and an empty plate.

Given the stark differences between the two branches, it makes sense to prepare for a Harris win even though we might personally consider it a low probability.

The important things in life will be a lot more local

This might not be a bad time to attempt to mend fences with people you have had differences of opinion. I am not saying that you need to roll-over like a female collie but in the language of the younger set, maybe offer a do-over. Don't do this if it isn't safe.

Paper and pencils are your friends. Records that are on the computer can be back-doored and your private dealings outed.


In a rich society, we can make lead balloons fly, tropical plants grow in Alaska and buy our way out of all kinds of problems.

Some segments of society will not be able to access those luxuries after the Progressives win. You have more resources available to you than you can possibly know. It is easier to go to Amazon and buy a schinerfizl-daltz than to ask your 20 closest friends if they know of anybody with an extra schinerfizl-daltz you could rent or borrow or barter for.

It is not too early to start exercising your barter-networking skills.

Medical care is likely to be rationed

The demographics makes the economics of killing off older people extremely attractive. My belief is that the Progressives will do what is expedient "to save the Urf".

Talk to trusted medical people and learn the alternatives to prescription drugs. Remember that nearly all over-the-counter drugs were once first-choice prescription drugs. Exercise, stretching, prayers, nutrition, sleep hygiene might not cure cancer but can have a huge benefit for heart disease, diabetes, depression and a host of other maladies.

The bottom of Maslow's hierarchy is where the action is

Heat, shelter, clothing, water, food, infections-injuries, security. Get your spiritual life in order. Purge sloth and partying and running your yap.

It is said that more people die in wars due to diseases and famine and despair than from wounds.

Whether nukes fly or we are entering a Fidel Castro-like period...focus on the people physically closest to you and focus on executing the most basic blocking-and-tackling with speed, efficiency and perfection.


  1. Pyrethrum is available and you can find Oral Rehydration Salts premixed or pour your own. Pool shock is time stable chlorine bleach for water sterilization. These three will help you avoid both crawly bug and bad water diarrhea/vomiting.

    1. Very good advice, especially the dry-powder form of pool shock (no additives or fragrances).

    2. PLAIN Pool Shock. No Anti-algicides and so on.

      Rarer than you might think at Walmart.

  2. The only way Trump gets in is if (((THEY))) want him in, to blame the planned collapse on him.

    1. That has been my thought too.
      They are timing everything to come crashing down shortly after January of 2025.

      The hope is that President Trump will be able to deal with everything. If he pulls this off well, he will ensure a Conservative in the White House for many years.

    2. I think that's the contingency plan... It would be more ideal if they could simply install a new toilet to replace the old and broken one. Less mess than remodeling the whole bathroom.
      Was talking about this yesterday w/ a friend about the debate performance. It's being planned for (her installation). The debate was part of it. The rally's w/ the bussed-in-fans is another part. The media is in 'full swing'. When the votes are ahem, 'counted', it will be announced she won by the thinnest sliver of a margin in certain blue-swing-states, and well, shucks, try again harder next time (lucy + football + charlie brown). Crisis averted, life continues on as before. They will point to the polls that said things were close, the rally video's with throngs of people (one of Trumps most potent weapons is the crowds he draws), and of course, they'll say she won the debate(s), and that swung the middle-voters to her side. Watch. The left ALWAYS does a better job of prepping the battle-space. They're laying the ground-work for their defense now.

      IF for some reason their attempts to steal the election are not successful, they will pull the pin and bring it all down, because as was stated initially, if they lose, their crimes see the light of day, and that equates to hanging. Nobody wants to die by hanging, it's pretty ugly, and you're awake the whole time.

      ... People need to grok that, however, and I don't think many do. This literally is existential for liberal crowd. Not only b/c their 'progress' of the last 4 years will be rolled back, but their agenda will also be shoved back in the closet, and the one's who have committed crimes are wise to feel they are likely to see persecution for it. They (the masses) who fall into this camp will see no problems with an un-fair election, they didn't mind the pot-shot at Trump. Win at all costs. They are cornered-animals right now, even if some of them won't admit or see it.

  3. As a family at ground zero we will be the first to glow. No amount of preps can save us but at our mid-70's lifestyle was a great time/blessing in our life.

  4. America IS being saved. It SHALL be so. Believe.

  5. Linda you might want to read Isaiah chapter 3. Plenty other examples also available in the Bible.

    God's chosen people were reduced to destruction and slavery more than once for the same sins we allow in America. Baby killing, worship of false gods and such.

    The call to repentance isn't popular now. Things are not "That Bad" for most of us.

    As Joe said

    The bottom of Maslow's hierarchy is where the action is

    Heat, shelter, clothing, water, food, infections-injuries, security. Get your spiritual life in order. Purge sloth and partying and running your yap.

    It is said that more people die in wars due to diseases and famine and despair than from wounds.


  6. In general, it is better to plan as if the worst will happen and then be pleasantly surprised.

    Along with all the other things you mentioned, I will (once again) pound my pulpit for physical copies of the media you love or need. It is not that they are not any less prone to destruction or confiscation, but they are at least safe from quick and easy deletion and (for books) losses of power that lock up electronic copies.

  7. I invite people to observe the differences at this 9/11 firefighter's rally. I don't know if this is real or not, of course it could have been staged, but there's a dog that doesn't bark - as can be seen by the reactions.


    1. My guess would be staged, I dont really believe they were at the same event together. The Dems have too much to lose to allow Big Don unscripted access to yo-ho.

    2. Could be. They weren't filmed together though. I know that Joe and Kam went to Shanksville PA around noon on 9/11, and Trump showed up a little later. It's the same people in the foreground, sitting in more or less the same seats in both shots. And Trump is wearing the same commemorative blue ribbon on his coat that he wore earlier, at Ground Zero. Not Joe & Kam though.


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